IWWG - International Waste Working Group is a non-profit association that aims to provide a forum to encourage economic and ecological waste management world-wide and to promote scientific advancement in the field

Search documents

Materials recovery from end-of-life electrochemical storage systems: results from the IEMAP project
Two-step leaching process for resource recovery: recovery copper and gold from the end-of-life LEDs with volatile fatty acids
Understanding the limitations of recycling and utilization rate targets for circular plastics management: a general economic equilibrium model including material flow analysis
Innovation in insect biomass valorization: towards a sustainable future
Machine learning-aided rapid identification of municipal solid waste using optical reflectance spectra
The food waste model for food services: focus on the Helsinki Metropolitan Area
Molecular insights into the biological treatment process of waste leachate
Application of the fractal dimension analysis of the chromatograms for profiling the volatile organic compounds release from lignocellulosic biomass
Research on eco-friendly biofuel production technology using microalgae: Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL)
Waste bioplastics in anaerobic digestion: challenges and hydrothermal solutions
Bacterial and archaeal population dynamics in thermophilic hydrogenotrophic methanogenic microbial communities degrading PLA bioplastics
Recycling of photovoltaic panels: process development and technology transfer during the last ten years
Flexible hydrometallurgical process for metal recovery from new generation photovoltaic panels
Raw-crushed wind-turbine blade as an effective addition to enhance recycled concrete properties
Analysis of the PFAS treatment, regulation and experimental investigation
Evaluation of sewage sludge treatment by pilot pyrolysis plant and laboratory analysis
Pyrolysis of dairy sewage sludge, energy and environmental aspects of biochar
Treatment of a waste polyvinyl chloride with a new type of 3-stage thermochemical conversion process
Hydrothermal carbonisation of organic waste for thermal energy generation
The potential of native starch biomass to produce materials for energy applications
Impact of primary and secondary pretreatment on anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge
Sludge effectiveness in the disruptive process of a biomass substrate for improved energy yield
Contribution of electrode and membrane materials, configurations, electron transfer mechanisms, and cost of components on the current and future development of microbial fuel cells
Improving the efficiency of medium-scale dual-chamber microbial fuel cells by using innovative electrode materials and appropriate selection of external resistance
Enhanced bioenergy recovery through co-digestion of biodegradable packaging materials with food waste
Workshop: From waste to wealth: exploring the power of agro-industrial waste
The impact of mechanical pretreatment system on carbon reduction: A field study of an industrial-scale biogas plant in China
Regulation of acidogenic fermentation through exogenous additives for promoting carbon conversion of food waste in two-phase anaerobic system
Impact of sonication pretreatment on phosphorus release and adsorption from livestock manure anaerobic digestate
Mitigating calcium inhibition in organic sludge digestion through CO2 injection
Algae biomass for energy applications
Industry of the Algae Production in Europe – The future and possible application in a circular and eco-friendly bioeconomy
Biogas yield of microalgae biomass harvested from two different algae-based wastewater treatment systems
Assessment of integration of solar dryer, incinerator, and anaerobic digester for enhanced energy recovery from the municipal solid waste
Innovative bioenergy solutions for developing nations: dark fermentation and anaerobic digestion of abattoir waste
The evolution of the Hungarian MSW sampling methodology from Pierre Gy’s MODECOM to sophistcated EPR and DRS based one
Perspectives for production and use of renewable hydrogen from biomass residues and waste in Brazil
Mixing in a model rotating drum AD reactor characterized by particle tracking and computational fluid dynamics
Monitoring seasonal efficiency of dry anaerobic digestion plant
LIFE-C: promoting life cycle thinking in higher education
Gaps and challenges of the waste management sector in Senegal
The Proof-of-Concept: the modelling of the evolution of inoculum and substrate inside a continuous flow anaerobic reactor
Transformer-based anaerobic digestion time series forecasting model: inference to interpretation
Environmental performance of a regional railway transportation fueled by hydrogen from waste
Exploring biomass valorisation in applied smouldering systems
Production of iso-alkanes in aviation fuel from catalytic pyrolysis of low-density polyethylene
Comparative economic and environmental performance assessment of biomass gasification pathway for green H2 production
Energy or material use of biochar and hydrochar produced from sewage sludge? A life cycle assessment approach
Towards the life cycle assessment of a rural value network centered on the energetic and material utilization of biowaste
On-site aerobic bio-digester for resource recovery from food waste
Achieving rapid stabilisation of aerobic composting by the construction of oxygen transport channels
Optimizing dairy sewage sludge and green waste composting: laboratory-scale study
Comparative LCA of carbonation-based treatments for valorising Alkaline residues and storing CO2 within a biorefinery process
Flying the future: advances in sustainable aviation fuels at the Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI)
Combining dark fermentation, hydrothermal carbonization and anaerobic digestion for producing biofuels
Selecting and cultivating photosynthetic microorganisms in anaerobic digestion effluent from agricultural waste for bioplastic production
Comparative analysis of biogas and compost plants for source-separated biowaste treatment
Characterization of feedstocks for the optimization of energy recovery from composting: a review for the TEAPOTS project
Extraction of Chitin from Tenebrio Molitor
Post-treatment of sugarcane bagasse ash: a comparative analysis of acid treatment and sol-gel process
Potential of pelletized bottom and fly ashes from wood combustion for sustainable H2S removal from biogas
Hydrogen production during the electrochemical treatment of textile dyeing concentrates rejected from nanofiltration
Sustainable hydrogen production via electrolysis of ammonia in landfill leachate
Energy-from-waste – What is the potential to provide net-negative carbon emissions?
Waste to Resource: feasibility study on ligand-based pH swing process for selective recovery of manganese and calcium carbonate from steel slag
Recycling waste incineration fly ash and red mud into novel geopolymer
Hot syngas clean-up by catalytic cracking of tars: the effect of main parameters
The effect of pre-pyrolysis on structure and properties of hard carbon for sodium battery
Performance comparison of various BECCS options
WTE with negative CO2 emissions via CaLooping: the Horizon Europe HERCCULES project
Advanced indoor air treatment: tungsten-doped titanium dioxide nanohybrids for photocatalytic toluene removal
Photocatlytic H2 evolution on Tio2/Fe-doped hydroxyapatite derived from converter slag
Steam gasification of wood using a two-stage gasification process: How to avoid bed agglomeration and tar problems simultaneously in a fluidized bed gasification.
Furfural emission from biochar derived from lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose: industrial benefits and environmental risks
Steam gasification as a sustainable strategy for automotive wire harness treatment and syngas production
Development of an advanced shaft furnace gasification technology for municipal solid waste in a commercial scale plant
Carbon sequestration potential within solid waste management
Waste heat potentials from liquid cooled data centres for sustainable building heating solutions
Differences in the composition of fine cyclone fly ash and ESP fly ash from woody biomass combustion
Review of BECCS technologies with a specific focus on combustion-based processes
Multiple AI models for improving combustion stability of waste-to-energy plants
Sulfur and Chlorine releasing and migration during pyrolysis of anaerobic digestate derived from kitchen waste
Evaluation of corrosion of superheater tubes under CO2-rich environment in waste to energy plant
Study of pyrolysis characteristics of actual refuse to establish a pyrolysis gasification process for Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
Study on catalytic pyrolysis characteristics of waste plastics in medical waste
Modelling approaches for model-based predictive control of acid gases in waste-to-energy plants
Refused derived fuel (RDF) bio-drying by using composting turning machine in a full-scale Egyptian facilities
Biomass Derived Fuel (BDF) production in Egypt: current status and future prospects
Air-polluting emissions from pyrolysis of biomass and waste
Evaluation of emission factors for waste-to-energy plants based on experimental measurements and plant specific data
Optimal location of incineration facilities considering multiple periods: a case study of Kyoto City
Biomethanation of biomass waste and its demand for the products by province in Japan
Solid product as possible elemental pollutants reservoir after Refused Derived Fuel (RDF) thermal plasma treatment
Reclaimed wood as a computational material: technological design for circular economy in the digital age
Exploiting Galdieria sulphuraria for the bio-recovery of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) from electronic waste
Use of Galdieria sulphuraria (Cyanidiophyceae, Rhodophyta) for wastewater phytodepuration
Innovative approaches to environmental sustainability and circular economy: experiences and initiatives of Geos Environment Srl and T-Cycle Industries
Innovative approaches to environmental sustainability and circular economy: experiences and initiatives of Geos Environment Srl and T-Cycle Industries
Exploring sustainable cultivation of Galdieria phlegrea using urban wastewater: integration of IoT-enabled photobioreactor for biomass production and silicon-recovery applications
Dynamic Life Cycle Assessment meets Circular Strategies: a wooden playground case study
From waste to welfare: circular economy innovations in buffalo farming with recycled rubber mats
NEW-RE Project – Strategies to improve Permanent Magnets EoL value chain: a focus on automated dismantling
Simulation and economical analysis of hydro-Nd process for the recovery of rare earth from EoL permanent magnets: NEW-RE and INSPIREE projects
Young people are our future: how can the voices of young waste managers be heard?
Circular economy in farms – Testing farm-scale manure pasteurization device
Agricultural waste pyrolysis and thermocomposting for renewable energy in a sustainable agri-food sector: the teapots project
Innovative approaches to environmental sustainability and circular economy: experiences and initiatives of Geos Environment Srl and T-Cycle Industries
Assessing the energy storage potential of Graphene Oxide synthesized from hydrometallurgically recovered Graphite from End-of-Life Electric Vehicle Lithium-Ion batteries (EoL EV LIBs)
Valutazione ambientale di un processo di valorizzazione del materiale composito con fibre di vetro delle turbine eoliche
Economic valuation of ecosystem services in the waste management framework: case study of Aquanova
Research activity on PV waste recycling in ENEA
Photovoltaic panel recycling: tests in the pilot plant in Venice and silicon applications for ferroalloy production
Moving waste storage towards a circular economy: barriers and opportunities
Environmental sustainability assessment of an electrified light commercial vehicle
Separating titanium and iron from an old Ferrovanadium producer waste dump
Li-ion battery recycling at pilot scale: demonstrating the re-synthesis route also for NMC-LFP mixed black mass
Gel polymer electrolytes elaborated by Uv-Irradiation for the eco-design of Li-Ion batteries
DESs for the extraction of metal ions from spent lithium-ion batteries (LIBs)
EVERPV project: PV panels recycling using grinding process and IR equipment
Il progetto MICS-PNRR per il supporto dell’Economia Circolare italiana
Landfill Mining intervention on MSW sites – A case study
Closing the loop: forecasting end-of-life PV panel waste generation and building a circular value chain
Managing the business and biodiversity relationship: a systematic review
Intelligenza Artificiale e Structural Health Monitoring applicate alla protezione delle opere civili: proposte e sviluppi futuri per le infrastrutture strategiche del servizio idrico integrato gestite da Acquedotto Pugliese S.p.A.
Is bioplastics a real sustainable alternative to conventional plastics? A focus on their biodegradability in different aquatic environments
Environmental Technology Verification (ETV): uno strumento per confermare le prestazioni ambientali delle tecnologie innovative a supporto dell’economia circolare
LarWaR Process – BSF Larvae for Wastewater treatment and Resource recovery: influence of larval density and solid support
Coupling of wastewater treatment and algal biomass cultivation and valorisation: a Life Cycle Assessment
Preliminary results from laboratory tests assessing hydrogen production utilizing slag and surplus heat in steel facilities
Case report: waste treatment and energy recovery for alternative fuel purpose in Germany
Scale-up delle buone pratiche di circolarità per l’ambiente costruito. Il contributo delle piattaforme collaborative
The role of pyrometallurgy and the importance of pilot test facilities for development of sustainable recycling technologies – Swerim pilot experiences
Reprocessing and mechanical recyclability for circular economy. Comparative study of TPS/PVA blends and other commercial biopolymers
Treatment of food waste contaminated by starch-based bioplastic films using Black Soldier Fly larvae: formation and fate of biodegradable micro-plastics
Bioplastic formulation effects on anaerobic digestion
Economia circolare: l’Università di Pavia – Case study
“Fiuto il cane da rifiuto”: una proposta educativa dedicata all’Economia Circolare
Assessing the business potential, price volatility and supply chain challenges of metallic silicon in the European Union
Critical Raw Materials recovery from Electrical Electronic Equipment Waste. An overview
How does urban mining contribute mitigating critical raw material supply risks? Evidence from the waste management industry
Multiregional perspectives of the global dysprosium demand and supply with technological transition
Value chain integration for e-waste management: a system dynamics approach
Physical and chemical characterization of laboratory-generated tyre wear particles
Investigating good practices in the circular economy related to Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) through the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP)
New perspective on the composition of photovoltaic solar panels and the possibility of pre-treatment for recycling
Waste valorisation from photovoltaic panels and analysis of the business potential from recycling in Spain and Italy
Distinctive trails: reviewing markers for tyre and road wear particles
Consequences of a non-circular economy approach in the mining industry
Learnings from a disposable diaper collection programme in an African township: the ‘Bright Bin’ case study in Langa, Cape Town, South Africa
Circular economy in the fashion industry to foster the sustainable supply chains traceability
Sorting bulky waste with the help of AI – the SmartRecycling Project
Green valorization of spent coffee grounds by extraction through combined technologies: a review
An example of industrial symbiosis in the textile industrial sector
Integrated approach for assessing microalgae cultivation efficiency and carbon dioxide sequestration potential: a case study in south Sardinia
Overview of Circular Economy strategies and application of Industry 4.0 technologies in the construction industry
Smart waste collection – The role of digitalisation in future waste management
Incorporating industrial wastes into mortar mix production: a step towards sustainable construction
Impact of chemical composition on hot tearing in secondary wrought aluminum alloys
Valorisation of a waste stream from chokeberry juice production into phenols and bioethanol: a techno-environmental assessment
Hyperspectral imaging applied to quality control of post-consumer lightweight plastic packaging
From End-of-Waste to upcycled products: preliminary results from characterization of polypropylene
Biowaste treatment using Black Soldier Fly Larvae: effect of diet macronutrients on process performance
Lipids deriving from Hermetia Illucens larvae as a feedstock for biodiesel production: relevance and perspectives
Production of bioplastics from insects
Aspen Plus® flowsheeting aids in investigating Soxhlet extraction of bioactive compounds from hazelnut residues
Assessment of the financial sustainability of solid waste management services in Brazilian municipalities
Banyumas’ local approach to zero waste: evaluating the efficiency of sustainable waste management strategies in developing countries
How did a small town in Japan achieve the recycling rate of over 80%?
Implementing sustainable development in port-cities
Ecotourism and renewable energies as promoters of development in environmentally protected high mountain areas
Buildings and the circular economy: estimating urban mining, recovery and reuse potential of building components
Territorial resource efficiency in Circular Economy
Value added recycled materials from construction and demolition waste
A framework for secondary material circularity assessment
Towards a community-based assessment of circular construction & demolition debris management
Eco-labelling dietary patterns under a life cycle assessment approach and health perspective
A preliminary study on real-time asbestos recognition in tunnel spoil of green stones
Communicating outputs, outcomes and impacts of waste-related research: the “EMERGE” case study
Wastes from international shipping: ecotoxicological assessment of scrubber water in unicellular algae (Tetraselmis suecica) and blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) larvae
Local waste management plans as a tool for waste management and prevention at University of Campinas (UNICAMP)
Circular Economy at the University of Padova
Analysis of case-by-case end-of-waste authorizations for recycled plastics in Italy
Characteristics of recycled aggregates from construction and demolition waste according to the Italian EoW regulation
The tacit end-of-waste status for MWSI bottom ashes in road foundations has been used in France since 1994
The role of Life Cycle Assessment in the Safe and Sustainable by Design: lessons learnt from a case study
Consequences and risk modeling of NaTech in industrial environments
Sustainability indicators to assess bio-based value chains: a methodological approach
Exergy as a tool for a circular economy
Mining the environment: legal aspects of virtual currencies’ energy consumption and e-waste under Brazilian law
Economic instruments for the circular economy transition: the (neglected) role of virgin materials and landfill taxation in Italy
Circularity and carbon neutrality: dual pillars for future industrial strategies
Simplifying complexity for adoption and replication of circular economy systemic solutions: the A2C multidimensional model
Hong Kong’s circular economy on plastics: are the economics failing?
Exploring the adoption of Extended Producer Responsibility for managing gypsum plasterboards in Italy
Reference scenarios preposition for the implementation of urban solid waste management policies
DeremCo: De and remanufacturing for Circular Economy investments in the composite Industry
The tacit end-of-waste status is established in the EU and crucial for the Circular Economy
Metataxonomic characterization and analysis of temperature effects on organic waste biomass composting processes
Full-scale co-composting of sewage sludge and waste materials at various mixing proportions and aeriation conditions to produce stabilized compost
Consumption and carbon footprints of single-use plastic cups in South Korea
Comparative analysis of lignocellulosic composition characteristics of organic municipal solid wastes: insights from Kumasi and global cities for biogas feedstock
Benchmarking Municipal WEEE Collection in Germany as a tool to prevent fires when collecting old appliances
Identifying the sources of black carbon in PM2.5 using a tricolor absorption photometer at an urban site in Daejeon during 2024
Communicating Waste-to-Energy: navigating public perception, media narratives and societal engagement
Produced water on offshore oil platforms in Brazil: characterization, monitoring and environmental impact
Preliminary development of circularity indicators in the Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) sector
Assessment of greenhouse gas (N2O, CH4, CO2) and ammonia (NH3) emissions from laboratory-developed biocover solutions
Application of lab-scale anaerobic digestion with AI (Artificial Intelligence) model
Cost analysis of firing process variables for life cycle costing of sustainable ceramic materials made from waste
Continuous production of small-sized bio-coke from adzuki bean harvest residue and its co-firing characteristics with wood pellets
Investigation on the potential of a biological treatment with P. Ostreatus to convert a spent solid anaerobic digestion effluent into a new substrate with significant methane generation capacity
The potential of autochthonous plants for lanthanoid extraction from mining waste
Analysis of sieving and thermo-alkali pretreatment for enhancing methane production from cow manure
Biogas production from prickly pears cladodes as a sole substrate
Development of machine learning model for predicting the adsorption characteristics of biochar by waste wood
Assessment of the bioethanol potential of jackfruit Pulp (Artocarpus heterophyllus) from Madagascar
Aspects and facts of the waste management sector in Ivory Coast
Evaluation of atmospheric emissions and ash generated from co-firing of mineral coal with biomass waste
Modular gasification of waste
Assessing risks and safety protocols in the dismantling of lithium-ion batteries
The evaluation of the bio-drying through mixing of sewage sludge and herbal medicine by-products
Emissions trading and carbon removal certification methodologies for biochar
A study on syngas production from low-grade waste plastic pyrolysis oil via oxygen/steam gasification using entrained flow gasifier
Recirculation of process water in the hydrothermal carbonization of wood waste: a sustainable and carbon neutral strategy
Effect of magnetite particles on anaerobic digestion of phenolic wastewater under increasing ammonia loads
Assessment of plant growth and translocation of endogenous heavy metals from swine manure biochar under elevated CO2 condition
Silica recovery from residues of anaerobic digestion of rice husk and rice straw
A study on the method of identifying animal species of crushed recycled leather fiber
Energy production from wastewater treatment sludge: a case study of Casan in Santa Catarina, Brazil
CO2 dynamics and sorption potential in modified rudiments from silica gel and activated carbon: molecular dynamics simulation
Two-step leaching process for resource recovery: recovery copper and gold from the end-of-life LEDs with volatile fatty acids
The food waste model for food services: focus on the Helsinki Metropolitan Area
Machine learning-aided rapid identification of municipal solid waste using optical reflectance spectra
Molecular insights into the biological treatment process of waste leachate
Design and application of Vanadium-based composite catalysts in biogas cracking for hydrogen production in new energy conversion
Understanding the limitations of recycling and utilization rate targets for circular plastics management: a general economic equilibrium model including material flow analysis
Materials recovery from end-of-life electrochemical storage systems: results from the IEMAP project
Hydrothermal carbonisation of organic waste for thermal energy generation
The potential of native starch biomass to produce materials for energy applications
Application of the fractal dimension analysis of the chromatograms for profiling the volatile organic compounds release from lignocellulosic biomass
Innovation in insect biomass valorization: towards a sustainable future
Treatment of a waste polyvinyl chloride with a new type of 3-stage thermochemical conversion process
Recycling of photovoltaic panels: process development and technology transfer during the last ten years
Workshop: From waste to wealth: exploring the power of agro-industrial waste
Flexible hydrometallurgical process for metal recovery from new generation photovoltaic panels
Research on eco-friendly biofuel production technology using microalgae: Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL)
Biogas yield of microalgae biomass harvested from two different algae-based wastewater treatment systems
Improving the efficiency of medium-scale dual-chamber microbial fuel cells by using innovative electrode materials and appropriate selection of external resistance
Waste bioplastics in anaerobic digestion: challenges and hydrothermal solutions
Pyrolysis of dairy sewage sludge, energy and environmental aspects of biochar
Impact of primary and secondary pretreatment on anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge
Enhanced bioenergy recovery through co-digestion of biodegradable packaging materials with food waste
Evaluation of sewage sludge treatment by pilot pyrolysis plant and laboratory analysis
Sludge effectiveness in the disruptive process of a biomass substrate for improved energy yield
Contribution of electrode and membrane materials, configurations, electron transfer mechanisms, and cost of components on the current and future development of microbial fuel cells
Bacterial and archaeal population dynamics in thermophilic hydrogenotrophic methanogenic microbial communities degrading PLA bioplastics
Raw-crushed wind-turbine blade as an effective addition to enhance recycled concrete properties
Analysis of the PFAS treatment, regulation and experimental investigation
Algae biomass for energy applications
Mitigating calcium inhibition in organic sludge digestion through CO2 injection
Impact of sonication pretreatment on phosphorus release and adsorption from livestock manure anaerobic digestate
Monitoring seasonal efficiency of dry anaerobic digestion plant
Regulation of acidogenic fermentation through exogenous additives for promoting carbon conversion of food waste in two-phase anaerobic system
Industry of the Algae Production in Europe – The future and possible application in a circular and eco-friendly bioeconomy
The impact of mechanical pretreatment system on carbon reduction: A field study of an industrial-scale biogas plant in China
The Proof-of-Concept: the modelling of the evolution of inoculum and substrate inside a continuous flow anaerobic reactor
Transformer-based anaerobic digestion time series forecasting model: inference to interpretation
Gaps and challenges of the waste management sector in Senegal
Innovative bioenergy solutions for developing nations: dark fermentation and anaerobic digestion of abattoir waste
LIFE-C: promoting life cycle thinking in higher education
Towards the life cycle assessment of a rural value network centered on the energetic and material utilization of biowaste
The evolution of the Hungarian MSW sampling methodology from Pierre Gy’s MODECOM to sophistcated EPR and DRS based one
Mixing in a model rotating drum AD reactor characterized by particle tracking and computational fluid dynamics
Assessment of integration of solar dryer, incinerator, and anaerobic digester for enhanced energy recovery from the municipal solid waste
Perspectives for production and use of renewable hydrogen from biomass residues and waste in Brazil
Energy or material use of biochar and hydrochar produced from sewage sludge? A life cycle assessment approach
Comparative analysis of biogas and compost plants for source-separated biowaste treatment
Extraction of Chitin from Tenebrio Molitor
Exploring biomass valorisation in applied smouldering systems
Environmental performance of a regional railway transportation fueled by hydrogen from waste
Flying the future: advances in sustainable aviation fuels at the Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI)
Production of iso-alkanes in aviation fuel from catalytic pyrolysis of low-density polyethylene
Achieving rapid stabilisation of aerobic composting by the construction of oxygen transport channels
Comparative economic and environmental performance assessment of biomass gasification pathway for green H2 production
Optimizing dairy sewage sludge and green waste composting: laboratory-scale study
On-site aerobic bio-digester for resource recovery from food waste
Selecting and cultivating photosynthetic microorganisms in anaerobic digestion effluent from agricultural waste for bioplastic production
Combining dark fermentation, hydrothermal carbonization and anaerobic digestion for producing biofuels
Hydrogen production during the electrochemical treatment of textile dyeing concentrates rejected from nanofiltration
Characterization of feedstocks for the optimization of energy recovery from composting: a review for the TEAPOTS project
Comparative LCA of carbonation-based treatments for valorising Alkaline residues and storing CO2 within a biorefinery process
Differences in the composition of fine cyclone fly ash and ESP fly ash from woody biomass combustion
Recycling waste incineration fly ash and red mud into novel geopolymer
Potential of pelletized bottom and fly ashes from wood combustion for sustainable H2S removal from biogas
Novel approach for efficient removal of Chloride ions from incinerator bottom ash using Acetic acid and CO2 micro-bubbling
Sustainable hydrogen production via electrolysis of ammonia in landfill leachate
Post-treatment of sugarcane bagasse ash: a comparative analysis of acid treatment and sol-gel process
Waste heat potentials from liquid cooled data centres for sustainable building heating solutions
Transforming waste into value: sustainable production of platform chemicals in Sweden
Advanced indoor air treatment: tungsten-doped titanium dioxide nanohybrids for photocatalytic toluene removal
Photocatlytic H2 evolution on Tio2/Fe-doped hydroxyapatite derived from converter slag
Performance comparison of various BECCS options
Review of BECCS technologies with a specific focus on combustion-based processes
Carbon sequestration potential within solid waste management
Waste to Resource: feasibility study on ligand-based pH swing process for selective recovery of manganese and calcium carbonate from steel slag
WTE with negative CO2 emissions via CaLooping: the Horizon Europe HERCCULES project
Modelling approaches for model-based predictive control of acid gases in waste-to-energy plants
Multiple AI models for improving combustion stability of waste-to-energy plants
Hot syngas clean-up by catalytic cracking of tars: the effect of main parameters
Evaluation of corrosion of superheater tubes under CO2-rich environment in waste to energy plant
The effect of pre-pyrolysis on structure and properties of hard carbon for sodium battery
Sulfur and Chlorine releasing and migration during pyrolysis of anaerobic digestate derived from kitchen waste
Steam gasification as a sustainable strategy for automotive wire harness treatment and syngas production
Development of an advanced shaft furnace gasification technology for municipal solid waste in a commercial scale plant
Study on catalytic pyrolysis characteristics of waste plastics in medical waste
Study of pyrolysis characteristics of actual refuse to establish a pyrolysis gasification process for Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
Steam gasification of wood using a two-stage gasification process: How to avoid bed agglomeration and tar problems simultaneously in a fluidized bed gasification.
Furfural emission from biochar derived from lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose: industrial benefits and environmental risks
Energy-from-waste – What is the potential to provide net-negative carbon emissions?
Optimal location of incineration facilities considering multiple periods: a case study of Kyoto City
Solid product as possible elemental pollutants reservoir after Refused Derived Fuel (RDF) thermal plasma treatment
Biomethanation of biomass waste and its demand for the products by province in Japan
Forecasting operational performance of a waste incinerator using AI-based models
Refused derived fuel (RDF) bio-drying by using composting turning machine in a full-scale Egyptian facilities
Air-polluting emissions from pyrolysis of biomass and waste
Evaluation of emission factors for waste-to-energy plants based on experimental measurements and plant specific data
Biomass Derived Fuel (BDF) production in Egypt: current status and future prospects
Fungal biosorption as promising tool for bioremoval of arsenic from aqueous solutions
Integrated process scheme of wastewater treatment and desalination to encourage the reuse of water
Towards a Circular Economy: A comprehensive policy framework for packaging waste management in the European Union
Biogas and leachate production in MSW landfill: experimental data and statistical modeling
Development of new LCA-based indicator in the framework of WEF Nexus
Innovative methodology for recycling organic and inorganic waste for the production of three-dimensional objects by means of 3D printing
Evaluating the suitability of secondary raw materials in cement composites for enhanced durability against sulfate attack
Circular Economy & Biodiversity
Biological methane production from hydrogen and carbon dioxide
An integrated research on modular gasification of municipal solid waste – LCA on Riga’s cement factory
Valorizing textile wastes through the extraction of nanocellulose utilizing DEEP eutectic solvents
How important is vehicle recycling?
Aspects for more attention in Circular Economy
From vision to action: climate change mitigation and energy transition – The case study of hard to abate industries
Understanding employee acceptance of digital technology towards a Sustainable Industry: a theoretical framework
Impacts of circularity-oriented policies and measures on financial performance of agrifood organizations
Management of municipal organic waste in a circular economy context: evaluation of the process and quality of compost produced in rural areas of the Valencian Community (Spain)
Exploring decentralized composting models: a case study of municipal waste management in Spain
Dynamic Life Cycle Assessment meets Circular Strategies: a wooden playground case study
Current state of the algae production industry in Europe: an emerging sector of the blue bioeconomy
NEW-RE Project – Strategies to improve Permanent Magnets EoL value chain: a focus on automated dismantling
Use of Galdieria sulphuraria (Cyanidiophyceae, Rhodophyta) for wastewater phytodepuration
Reclaimed wood as a computational material: technological design for circular economy in the digital age
Environmental sustainability assessment of an electrified light commercial vehicle
Assessing the energy storage potential of Graphene Oxide synthesized from hydrometallurgically recovered Graphite from End-of-Life Electric Vehicle Lithium-Ion batteries (EoL EV LIBs)
Circular economy in farms – Testing farm-scale manure pasteurization device
Innovative approaches to environmental sustainability and circular economy: experiences and initiatives of Geos Environment Srl and T-Cycle Industries
Exploring sustainable cultivation of Galdieria phlegrea using urban wastewater: integration of IoT-enabled photobioreactor for biomass production and silicon-recovery applications
Young people are our future: how can the voices of young waste managers be heard?
Simulation and economical analysis of hydro-Nd process for the recovery of rare earth from EoL permanent magnets: NEW-RE and INSPIREE projects
Exploiting Galdieria sulphuraria for the bio-recovery of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) from electronic waste
Agricultural waste pyrolysis and thermocomposting for renewable energy in a sustainable agri-food sector: the teapots project
From waste to welfare: circular economy innovations in buffalo farming with recycled rubber mats
Research activity on PV waste recycling in ENEA
Gel polymer electrolytes elaborated by Uv-Irradiation for the eco-design of Li-Ion batteries
Li-ion battery recycling at pilot scale: demonstrating the re-synthesis route also for NMC-LFP mixed black mass
DESs for the extraction of metal ions from spent lithium-ion batteries (LIBs)
Valutazione ambientale di un processo di valorizzazione del materiale composito con fibre di vetro delle turbine eoliche
Environmental Technology Verification (ETV): uno strumento per confermare le prestazioni ambientali delle tecnologie innovative a supporto dell’economia circolare
Il progetto MICS-PNRR per il supporto dell’Economia Circolare italiana
Economia circolare: l’Università di Pavia – Case study
Intelligenza Artificiale e Structural Health Monitoring applicate alla protezione delle opere civili: proposte e sviluppi futuri per le infrastrutture strategiche del servizio idrico integrato gestite da Acquedotto Pugliese S.p.A.
Managing the business and biodiversity relationship: a systematic review
EVERPV project: PV panels recycling using grinding process and IR equipment
Landfill Mining intervention on MSW sites – A case study
Photovoltaic panel recycling: tests in the pilot plant in Venice and silicon applications for ferroalloy production
Closing the loop: forecasting end-of-life PV panel waste generation and building a circular value chain
Separating titanium and iron from an old Ferrovanadium producer waste dump
Moving waste storage towards a circular economy: barriers and opportunities
Economic valuation of ecosystem services in the waste management framework: case study of Aquanova
Physical and chemical characterization of laboratory-generated tyre wear particles
Coupling of wastewater treatment and algal biomass cultivation and valorisation: a Life Cycle Assessment
Scale-up delle buone pratiche di circolarità per l’ambiente costruito. Il contributo delle piattaforme collaborative
The role of pyrometallurgy and the importance of pilot test facilities for development of sustainable recycling technologies – Swerim pilot experiences
Bioplastic formulation effects on anaerobic digestion
Presence and fate of Microplastics in the Agriculture Soil System
Distinctive trails: reviewing markers for tyre and road wear particles
Multiregional perspectives of the global dysprosium demand and supply with technological transition
Is bioplastics a real sustainable alternative to conventional plastics? A focus on their biodegradability in different aquatic environments
Treatment of food waste contaminated by starch-based bioplastic films using Black Soldier Fly larvae: formation and fate of biodegradable micro-plastics
“Fiuto il cane da rifiuto”: una proposta educativa dedicata all’Economia Circolare
Reprocessing and mechanical recyclability for circular economy. Comparative study of TPS/PVA blends and other commercial biopolymers
Case report: waste treatment and energy recovery for alternative fuel purpose in Germany
LarWaR Process – BSF Larvae for Wastewater treatment and Resource recovery: influence of larval density and solid support
Preliminary results from laboratory tests assessing hydrogen production utilizing slag and surplus heat in steel facilities
La sostenibilità ambientale presso l’Università di Padova
Assessing the business potential, price volatility and supply chain challenges of metallic silicon in the European Union
How does urban mining contribute mitigating critical raw material supply risks? Evidence from the waste management industry
Critical Raw Materials recovery from Electrical Electronic Equipment Waste. An overview
Investigating good practices in the circular economy related to Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) through the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP)
Integrated approach for assessing microalgae cultivation efficiency and carbon dioxide sequestration potential: a case study in south Sardinia
Valorisation of a waste stream from chokeberry juice production into phenols and bioethanol: a techno-environmental assessment
Green valorization of spent coffee grounds by extraction through combined technologies: a review
Aspen Plus® flowsheeting aids in investigating Soxhlet extraction of bioactive compounds from hazelnut residues
Hyperspectral imaging applied to quality control of post-consumer lightweight plastic packaging
Production of bioplastics from insects
Value chain integration for e-waste management: a system dynamics approach
From End-of-Waste to upcycled products: preliminary results from characterization of polypropylene
Insects as tools – A key to the Circular Economy
Biowaste treatment using Black Soldier Fly Larvae: effect of diet macronutrients on process performance
New perspective on the composition of photovoltaic solar panels and the possibility of pre-treatment for recycling
Waste valorisation from photovoltaic panels and analysis of the business potential from recycling in Spain and Italy
Lipids deriving from Hermetia Illucens larvae as a feedstock for biodiesel production: relevance and perspectives
PFAS in waste and recycled products
Sorting bulky waste with the help of AI – the SmartRecycling Project
Consequences of a non-circular economy approach in the mining industry
An example of industrial symbiosis in the textile industrial sector
Circular economy in the fashion industry to foster the sustainable supply chains traceability
Overview of Circular Economy strategies and application of Industry 4.0 technologies in the construction industry
Smart waste collection – The role of digitalisation in future waste management
Incorporating industrial wastes into mortar mix production: a step towards sustainable construction
Assessment of the financial sustainability of solid waste management services in Brazilian municipalities
Implementing sustainable development in port-cities
Learnings from a disposable diaper collection programme in an African township: the ‘Bright Bin’ case study in Langa, Cape Town, South Africa
Smart cities and industrial districts development through the Is-based waste-wastewater-energy nexus
Impact of chemical composition on hot tearing in secondary wrought aluminum alloys
Banyumas’ local approach to zero waste: evaluating the efficiency of sustainable waste management strategies in developing countries
Territorial resource efficiency in Circular Economy
Ecotourism and renewable energies as promoters of development in environmentally protected high mountain areas
How did a small town in Japan achieve the recycling rate of over 80%?
Educating for a circular future: from kindergarten to higher education
Buildings and the circular economy: estimating urban mining, recovery and reuse potential of building components
Sustainability indicators to assess bio-based value chains: a methodological approach
Eco-labelling dietary patterns under a life cycle assessment approach and health perspective
Towards a community-based assessment of circular construction & demolition debris management
Value added recycled materials from construction and demolition waste
Circular Economy at the University of Padova
Consequences and risk modeling of NaTech in industrial environments
Exergy as a tool for a circular economy
A framework for secondary material circularity assessment
A preliminary study on real-time asbestos recognition in tunnel spoil of green stones
Local waste management plans as a tool for waste management and prevention at University of Campinas (UNICAMP)
Wastes from international shipping: ecotoxicological assessment of scrubber water in unicellular algae (Tetraselmis suecica) and blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) larvae
Communicating outputs, outcomes and impacts of waste-related research: the “EMERGE” case study
Simplifying complexity for adoption and replication of circular economy systemic solutions: the A2C multidimensional model
Characteristics of recycled aggregates from construction and demolition waste according to the Italian EoW regulation
The tacit end-of-waste status for MWSI bottom ashes in road foundations has been used in France since 1994
Economic instruments for the circular economy transition: the (neglected) role of virgin materials and landfill taxation in Italy
Hong Kong’s circular economy on plastics: are the economics failing?
Analysis of case-by-case end-of-waste authorizations for recycled plastics in Italy
The tacit end-of-waste status is established in the EU and crucial for the Circular Economy
DeremCo: De and remanufacturing for Circular Economy investments in the composite Industry
Mining the environment: legal aspects of virtual currencies’ energy consumption and e-waste under Brazilian law
Exploring the adoption of Extended Producer Responsibility for managing gypsum plasterboards in Italy
The role of Life Cycle Assessment in the Safe and Sustainable by Design: lessons learnt from a case study
Circularity and carbon neutrality: dual pillars for future industrial strategies
Reference scenarios preposition for the implementation of urban solid waste management policies
A new proposed role of landfills in the circular economy
A pragmatist’s view on future of landfilling in time of circular economy
Evaluation of the different management ways of plastic wastes focusing on their human health effects prevention: a review
Evaluation of the different management ways of plastic wastes focussing on their human health effects prevention: A review
State of the art of composting in Austria – Regulations for bio-wastes and composts
Macro- and microplastic pollution in composts and the transfer to agriculture and environment
Source credibility for the assessment of health impacts of waste treatment facilities in EU contries

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