Task Group Leaders:
Marco Ritzkowski, Germany
Marlies Hrad, Austria
Osamu Hirata, Japan
Marco Ritzkowski
Hamburg Institute for Innovation, Climate Protection and Circular Economy – HiiCCE GmbH Bullerdeich 19
20537 Hamburg, Germany
email: marco.ritzkowski@hiicce.hamburg
Phone: +49 040428782053
Background & Scope
The IWWG set up a task group on the topic of landfill aeration to bring together international perspectives and expertise in the field in order to better define the technology and to disseminate experiences to the public.
Aims & Objectives
- Exchange of information between group members
- Preparation of joint publications and joint workshops
- Development of procedures and standards for aeration, including analytical programs
- Joint research activities
- Heat generation and processes under elevated temperatures, Settlements
- Air distribution inside aerated landfill bodies & modelling
- Substance balances
- Leachate quality
- Costs
- Stabilisation criteria (completion of aeration), time periods to achieve stabilization
- Semi-aerobic landfills
- Nitrogen-dynamic
- Monitoring programs during Landfill Aeration
- Possibilities and limitations of aeration measures (e.g. waste densities, landfill height etc.)
- Pre-tests: Are they necessary and how long should they be practised?
Members and Membership
The Task Group comprises members from Europe, Asia and North America, representing an international forum of researchers. To become a member please contact the Task Group Leaders.
The group is led by Marco Ritzkowski from the Hamburg University of Technology, together with Marlies Hrad from BOKU University, Vienna, Austria and Osamu Hirata from Fukuoka University, Japan.
Current members:
Sinan Bilgili, Yildiz Technical University (TR)
Christian Brandstätter, Vienna University of Technology (AT)
Raffaello Cossu, University of Padova (IT)
Yue Dongbei, Tsinghua University (CN)
Marion Huber-Humer, BOKU University, Vienna (AT)
Marlies Hrad, BOKU University, Vienna (AT)
Mahipal Jadeja, Seneca College (CA)
Hun Tong, Nanyang Technological University (CN)
Yasushi Matsufuji, Fukuoka University (JP)
Roman Prantl, Geo Services (AT)
Roberto Raga, University of Padova (IT)
Debra Reinhart, University of Central Florida (US)
Marco Ritzkowski, Hamburg University of Technology (DE)
Rainer Stegmann, Hamburg University of Technology (DE)
Thomas Wohlhuter, Arcadis, (FR)
Hideki Yoshida, Muroran Institute of Technology (JP)
Structure and operation mode
The Task Group operates in close contact with other IWWG Task Groups, particularly the “Sustainable Landfill Management” and “CLEAR” groups. Meetings are held at least once a year either during the Sardinia Symposium or the Intercontinental Landfill Research Symposium (ICLRS). These events serve as the main meeting platforms. Additional meetings are conducted in the short term if required, at times involving only several of the TG members.
Future activities
The next regular meeting of the Landfill Aeration Task Group will take place during the Sardinia Symposium 2023.