The benefits of IWWG membership are the following:
- Subscription to IWWG official journal Waste Management at a special discounted price, both print subscription (135 €) or print+electronic subscription (166 €). Electronic subscription includes access to back numbers from 1995
- FREE individual subscription to Detritus, available only for IWWG members (an administrative cost of 20 € is required). Please subscribe here
- Access to all the contents included in the Members Area: proceedings and presentations from IWWG conferences (included previous editions), Task Groups outputs, recordings of the IWWG seminars and lectures (i.e. Food for brain)
- Discount on the entrance fee of IWWG international waste management symposia (official IWWG conferences)
- Discount on IWWG Seminar Registration
- Discount on IWWG publications (e.g. textbooks)
- Discount on Elsevier publications
- Participation in the General Assembly (GA) meeting. The GA meets (at least) once a year.
- Participation in all activities of IWWG including Task Groups
IWWG organizes some of the most important international conferences on waste management. IWWG members benefit from special discounted fees on IWWG official events. Not a member yet? Sign up now!
IWWG is available to participate in events organized by other bodies. This participation may include the elaboration of scientific programs and the selection of papers in conferences, or the organization of training courses or specialized workshops, within the conference program. Organisers of events who wish to obtain co-sponsorship are requested to approach the Managing Director of the IWWG ( at least 12 months in advance. The final decision on co-sponsorship will be taken by the Managing Board during the next regular meeting.