Task Group Leaders:
Evangelos Gidarakos, Greece
Maria Aivalioti, Greece
Evangelos Gidarakos
Technical University of Crete, Greece
email: gidarako@mred.tuc.gr
Background & Scope
Industry, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is ‘‘intelligent or clever working”, as well as the ‘‘particular branches of production labour”. Although industry has developed modern societies beyond imagination, it is accompanied by a rather problematic phenomenon, which is waste production, much of which features hazardous properties.
Aims & Objectives
The objective of the IWWG Task Group on Industrial Waste Management is to bring together professionals interested in the advancement and application of technologies and methods for managing industrial and hazardous waste. The Task Group aims to coordinate studies, research and experience on the most recent international trends and work in industrial waste regulation and policies.
Some indicative topics, on which the Task Group focuses, are the following:
- Develop and write a critical literature review detailing current knowledge associated with engineered nanomaterial-containing products/wastes and highlighting the data gaps and research needs for publication in Waste Management.
- Compile literature that report on engineered nanomaterial-containing products/wastes, including what is known about material release from consumer products, material behaviour in waste environments, and analytical techniques.
- Develop a policy statement regarding appropriate disposal options for engineered nanomaterial-containing products/wastes.
- Develop appropriate protocols for conducting engineered nanomaterial-containing product/waste research in waste environments.
- Controversial issues in industrial WM
- Modern trends and challenges in industrial WM
- In-plant WM and disposal
- On-site waste monitoring
- Pollutant analyses and pollution prevention
- Special waste management
- Industrial site remediation
Members and Membership
The first announcement encouraging participation in this Task Group was made during Sardinia 2009 – 12th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, that took place in S. Margherita di Pula, Sardinia, Italy. Today, the TGs counts 19 members, from different countries and backgrounds.
List of members (updated on 2019):
Apostolos Giannis, Technical University of Crete (GR)
Giuseppe Bonifazi, Sapienza University of Rome (IT)
Christine Dornack, Technical University of Dresden (DE)
Pierre Hennebert, National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks (FR)
Sanja Kalambura, University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica (HR)
Dimitrios Komilis, Democritus University of Thrace (GR)
David Kosson, Vanderbilt University School Engineering (US)
Kerstin Kuchta, Hamburg University of Technology (DE)
Claudio Mudado Silva, Federal University of Viçosa (BR)
Akira Otsuki, University of Lorraine (FR)
Valery Petukhov, Far Eastern Federal University (RU)
Kostantine Pivnenko (DK)
Wenjie Sun, Southern Methodist University (US)
Katerina Valouma, Technical University of Crete (GR)
Hans Van Der Sloot, Energy Resource Centre of the Netherlands (NL)
Evangelos Voudrias, Democritus University of Thrace (GR)
Stephanie Werner, Umweltbundesamt (DE)
Mariachiara Zanetti, Technical University of Torino (IT)
Future activities
To be announced.