IWWG - International Waste Working Group is a non-profit association that aims to provide a forum to encourage economic and ecological waste management world-wide and to promote scientific advancement in the field

Conference: Venice 2024

A1 (1) Environmental and planning issuesEvaluation of emission factors for waste-to-energy plants based on experimental measurements and plant specific dataL. Acampora, G. Costa, S. Malvezzi, B. Papa, C. Mensiemission factors, carbon dioxide, waste to energy, climate change
A1 (2) Environmental and planning issuesAir-polluting emissions from pyrolysis of biomass and wasteH. Gohar, G. Beggio, M.C. Lavagnolopyrolysis, feedstocks, air pollutants, emission limit values
A1 (3) Environmental and planning issuesOptimal location of incineration facilities considering multiple periods: a case study of Kyoto CityY. Yoshida, Y. Hirai, J. Yanoincineration facility, multiple-period optimization, wide-area treatment
A1 (4) Environmental and planning issuesBiomethanation of biomass waste and its demand for the products by province in JapanK. Kawai, H. Hirai, K. Ishiketa, T. Kobayashi, H. Kuramochi, M. Osakofood waste, organic farming, decarbonization, hydrogen, city gas
A2 (1) Biomass and waste derived fuelSolid product as possible elemental pollutants reservoir after Refused Derived Fuel (RDF) thermal plasma treatmentB.N. López Niño, M. Buryi, A. MašlaniRDF, thermal plasma treatment, elemental pollutants
A2 (2) Biomass and waste derived fuelRefused derived fuel (RDF) bio-drying by using composting turning machine in a full-scale Egyptian facilitiesH. Sherif, M. Salah, M.S. Sadek, R.M. Sayed, S. Saeedrefused derived fuel (RDF), alternative solid fuel, renewable energy, open air drying, bio-drying, compost turning machine, mechanical treatment
A2 (3) Biomass and waste derived fuelBiomass Derived Fuel (BDF) production in Egypt: current status and future prospectsH. Sherif, M.S. Sadek, R.M. Sayed, S. Saeedbiomass derived fuel (BDF), sustainable energy production, agriculture residues, waste management
A3 (1) Combustion processForecasting operational performance of a waste incinerator using AI-based modelsS. Park, H. Kim, H. Jo, D. Shin, J. Lee, J. Son, Y. Yun, C. Ryuwaste incinerator, artificial intelligence, combustion control, performance parameters, steam production
A3 (2) Combustion processMultiple AI models for improving combustion stability of waste-to-energy plantsA. Ise, C. Nishihara, Y. Onuki, G. Matsumoto, S. Motoyama, S. Shigemasawaste-to-energy plant, automatic combustion control, AI model, prediction combustion states, prediction image, stabilization waste layer thickness
A3 (3) Combustion processModelling approaches for model-based predictive control of acid gases in waste-to-energy plantsS. Ozgen, A. Wu, F. Ruizacid gas control, reactant feed optimization, data-driven model, fabric filter residue minimization
A3 (4) Combustion processEvaluation of corrosion of superheater tubes under CO2-rich environment in waste to energy plantT. Shinohara, H. Harada, K. Shiota, M. Takaokacarbon neutral, waste to energy plant, high temperature corrosion, boiler superheater tubes
A4 (1) Waste pyrolysisStudy of pyrolysis characteristics of actual refuse to establish a pyrolysis gasification process for Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)W. Zhao, H. Harada, S. Oleszek, K. Shiota, Y. Sakurai, K.Oshita, M. Takaokamunicipal solid waste (MSW), pyrolysis and gasification, Py-GC/MS, carbon neutrality
A4 (2) Waste pyrolysisStudy on catalytic pyrolysis characteristics of waste plastics in medical wasteP. Ma, J. Yan, Z. Ma, A. Cao, S. Ling, Y. Zhangmedical waste, TG-FTIR, catalytic pyrolysis, kinetics
A4 (3) Waste pyrolysisSulfur and Chlorine releasing and migration during pyrolysis of anaerobic digestate derived from kitchen wasteJ. Zhang, Y. Guo, Z. Zhang, Z. Zhang, T. Zhanganaerobic digestate, pyrolysis, kitchen waste, anaerobic digestion, Py-GC/MS, XPS
A4 (4) Waste pyrolysisThe effect of pre-pyrolysis on structure and properties of hard carbon for sodium batteryA. Zhang, Y. Qiu, Y. Fenghard carbon, pyrolysis, sodium-ion batteries, blueberry wine pomace
A4 (5) Waste pyrolysisFurfural emission from biochar derived from lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose: industrial benefits and environmental risksE. Sygula, J. Lyczko, A. Bialowiecfurfural, biomass, biochar, volatile organic compounds, pyrolysis, pollution monitoring
A5 (1) GasificationSteam gasification of wood using a two-stage gasification process: How to avoid bed agglomeration and tar problems simultaneously in a fluidized bed gasification.S.-H. Song, J.-K. Kim, J.-W. Kim, C.-W. Park, J.-S. Kimtwo-stage gasification, wood, bed agglomeration, tar, hydrogen
A5 (2) GasificationDevelopment of an advanced shaft furnace gasification technology for municipal solid waste in a commercial scale plantN. Tanigaki, N. Fukuda, J. Takada, T. Izumiyagasification, waste, equivalence ratio, decarbonization, PCDD/DFs, heavy metals
A5 (3) GasificationSteam gasification as a sustainable strategy for automotive wire harness treatment and syngas productionR. Zhang, K. Oshita, T. Shida, K. Nakajima, H. Toshioka, M. Takaokasteam gasification, automotive wire harness, hydrogen-rich syngas, metal recovery potential, coke
A5 (4) GasificationHot syngas clean-up by catalytic cracking of tars: the effect of main parametersV. Arconati, C. Boccia, F. Parrillo, F. Ardolino, G. Ruoppolo, U. Arenagasification, syngas cleaning, catalyst, tar cracking
A6 (1) Carbon captureEnergy-from-waste – What is the potential to provide net-negative carbon emissions?T.F. Astrup, D. Kuri, J. Haukohl, S. Halevi, M. van Bruntenergy-from-waste, energy recovery, anaerobic digestion, recycling, carbon capture
A6 (2) Carbon captureCarbon sequestration potential within solid waste managementR. Salvador, R.-A. Doongcircular economy, carbon sequestration, waste management, urban ecosystems
A6 (3) Carbon captureReview of BECCS technologies with a specific focus on combustion-based processesL. Cretarola, F. Viganòbioenergy, carbon capture and storage, BECCS, CCS, negative emissions, energy efficiency
A6 (4) Carbon capturePerformance comparison of various BECCS optionsL. Cretarola, F. Viganòbioenergy with carbon capture and storage, BECCS, CCS, negative emissions, performances
A6 (5) Carbon captureWTE with negative CO2 emissions via CaLooping: the Horizon Europe HERCCULES projectM. Spinelli, C. Artini, M. Gatti, M.C. Romano, S. ConsonniHERCCULES, EU HORIZON project, pilot plant, CO2 capture, process simulation, calcium looping, waste-to-energy, compression and purification unit
A7 (1) Resources recovery from industrial and commercial wasteWaste to Resource: feasibility study on ligand-based pH swing process for selective recovery of manganese and calcium carbonate from steel slagP.T. Triwigati, S. Noh, S. Moon, E. Kim, Y. ParkCCUS, carbon dioxide, steel slag, manganese recovery, chelating agent
A7 (2) Resources recovery from industrial and commercial wastePhotocatlytic H2 evolution on Tio2/Fe-doped hydroxyapatite derived from converter slagK. Shu, C. Chuaicham, K. Sasakisteel-making converter slag, Fe-doped hydroxyapatite, TiO2, H2 generation, visible light responsive photocatalyst, Pt cocatalyst
A7 (3) Resources recovery from industrial and commercial wasteAdvanced indoor air treatment: tungsten-doped titanium dioxide nanohybrids for photocatalytic toluene removalH.N. Ly, W.R. Lee, S. Kimair pollutant treatment, toluene removal, W-doped TiO2, long-term stability, photocatalyst regeneration
A7 (4) Resources recovery from industrial and commercial wasteWaste heat potentials from liquid cooled data centres for sustainable building heating solutionsX. Lü, T. Ludata centre waste heat reuse, liquid cooling technology, district heating networks, climate-specific solutions
A7 (5) Resources recovery from industrial and commercial wasteTransforming waste into value: sustainable production of platform chemicals in SwedenS. Ajdari, A.S. SalimMSW, techno-economic, CCU, gasification, biofuel, methanol, chemicals
A8 (1) Combustion residuesNovel approach for efficient removal of Chloride ions from incinerator bottom ash using Acetic acid and CO2 micro-bubblingG. Dodbiba, X. Zhang, T. Fujitaelution, chloride ions, incinerator bottom ash, acetic acid, CO2 micro-bubbles
A8 (2) Combustion residuesDifferences in the composition of fine cyclone fly ash and ESP fly ash from woody biomass combustionC. Lanzerstorferbiomass combustion, fly ash, cyclone fly ash, composition
A8 (3) Combustion residuesRecycling waste incineration fly ash and red mud into novel geopolymerZ. Liu, Y. Xia, L. Wang, J. Yanincineration residue, alkali-activated materials, hazardous waste treatment, low-carbon construction materials, heavy metal leachability
A8 (4) Combustion residuesPotential of pelletized bottom and fly ashes from wood combustion for sustainable H2S removal from biogasF. Lapp, F. Schmutzler, F. Brück, T. Liebich, M. Lang, U. Theilen, H. Weigandbiomass ash, wood ash, biogas, desulfurization, H2S filter, pelletizing, forestry fertilizer, filter column
A8 (5) Combustion residuesPost-treatment of sugarcane bagasse ash: a comparative analysis of acid treatment and sol-gel processC. Owusu Prempeh, A.J. Babafemi, I. Hartmann, M. Nellessugarcane industrial ash, posttreatment, ordinary portland cement, pozzolanic activity, silica
A9 (1) Hydrogen production and utilizationSustainable hydrogen production via electrolysis of ammonia in landfill leachateE.K. Byeon, H.-I. Kimlandfill leachate, ammonia, electrolysis, electrochemical denitrification, hydrogen production, green energy
A9 (2) Hydrogen production and utilizationHydrogen production during the electrochemical treatment of textile dyeing concentrates rejected from nanofiltrationD. Cuesta-Mota, L. Canals Casals, V. López-Grimauhydrogen production, electrochemical treatment, textile wastewater, reactive dye, anion exchange membrane
A9 (3) Hydrogen production and utilizationComparative economic and environmental performance assessment of biomass gasification pathway for green H2 productionG.S. Ganesh, S. Dasappa, B. Patil, A.M. Shivapujibiomass gasification, green hydrogen, global warming potential
A9 (4) Hydrogen production and utilizationEnvironmental performance of a regional railway transportation fueled by hydrogen from wasteF. Ardolino, F. Parrillo, U. Arenadecarbonized transportation, life cycle assessment, hydrogen, thermal treatments
B1 (1) BiorefinerySelecting and cultivating photosynthetic microorganisms in anaerobic digestion effluent from agricultural waste for bioplastic productionE. Sventzouri, K. Pispas, G. Manthos, M. Kornarosmicroalgae, cyanobacteria, bioplastics, polyhydroxyalkanoates, anaerobic digestion effluent, bioremediation
B1 (2) BiorefineryExploring biomass valorisation in applied smouldering systemsF. Khodaparastan, S. Ashok, E. De-Oliveira, C. Switzer, G.P. Grant, M. Zanoni, J. Bowen, T. Rashwanbiomass valorisation, smouldering combustion, thermochemical conversion, oxygen dynamics, biochar production, pyrolysis, oxidation reactions, waste management
B1 (3) BiorefineryExtraction of Chitin from Tenebrio MolitorA.P.C. Ribeiro, A.O. Figueiras, L.M.D.R.S. MartinsChitin, Tenebrio Molitor
B2 (1) Aerobic digestionCharacterization of feedstocks for the optimization of energy recovery from composting: a review for the TEAPOTS projectK.O.F. Al-Twal, G. Beggio, V. Grossule, A. Sandon, M. Schiavon, M.C. Lavagnolocompost heat recovery system, feedstock selection, energy recovery, animal waste, green waste, sustainable waste management
B2 (2) Aerobic digestionComparative analysis of biogas and compost plants for source-separated biowaste treatmentH. Jalalipour, S. Nakhaei, G. Morschek, M. Nellesbiowaste management, anaerobic digestion, composting, life cycle assessment
B2 (3) Aerobic digestionOptimizing dairy sewage sludge and green waste composting: laboratory-scale studyS. Stegenta-Dabrowska, J. Rosik, K. SwiechowskiGHG emissions, carbon monoxide, ammonia
B2 (4) Aerobic digestionAchieving rapid stabilisation of aerobic composting by the construction of oxygen transport channelsW. Chen, Y. He, L. Xieco-composting, polypropylene filter balls, oxygen channeling, organic matter degradation, microbial interactions
B2 (5) Aerobic digestionOn-site aerobic bio-digester for resource recovery from food wasteR. Burch, D.K. Cha, M.J. Chajesfood waste, aerobic digester, microbial degradation, resource recovery
B3 (1) BiofuelsFlying the future: advances in sustainable aviation fuels at the Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI)B.A. Simmonsbioenergy, biofuels, bioeconomy, biomass, synthetic biology, biomass deconstruction, biomass pretreatment, bioenergy crops
B3 (2) BiofuelsProduction of iso-alkanes in aviation fuel from catalytic pyrolysis of low-density polyethyleneH. Tang, D. Chen, Y. Fengcatalytic pyrolysis, sustainable aviation fuel, FAU structure
B3 (3) BiofuelsCombining dark fermentation, hydrothermal carbonization and anaerobic digestion for producing biofuelsL. Lombard, A. Polettini, R. Pomi, A. Rossi, T. Zonfa, M. Wilkhydrogen, hydrochar, biogas, cheese whey
B4 (1) Lifecycle thinking and assessmentComparative LCA of carbonation-based treatments for valorising Alkaline residues and storing CO2 within a biorefinery processA. Masi, G. Costa, L. Lombardimineral carbonation, direct carbonation, indirect carbonation, LCA
B4 (2) Lifecycle thinking and assessmentEnergy or material use of biochar and hydrochar produced from sewage sludge? A life cycle assessment approachF. Gievers, A. Loewen, M. Nelleslife cycle assessment, pyrolysis, hydrothermal carbonization, sewage sludge, biochar, hydrochar, global warming potential, sustainable sludge management, nutrient recovery, carbon sequestration
B4 (3) Lifecycle thinking and assessmentTowards the life cycle assessment of a rural value network centered on the energetic and material utilization of biowasteH.-S. Tscherney, H. Rohnlife cycle assessment, rural value network, biowaste utilization, biogas plants, anaerobic digestion
B4 (4) Lifecycle thinking and assessmentLIFE-C: promoting life cycle thinking in higher educationL. Lombardi, G. Arcese, G.C. Elmo, B. Mendecka, S. Sobek, K. Pikon, A. Kuzior, K. Moustakas, M. Kyriazi, M. Horttanainen, K. Grönman, M. Abdulkareem, M. Khan, A. Woszczeklife cycle assessment, life cycle costing, social life cycle assessment, life cycle sustainability, teaching
B5 (1) National strategies and case studiesInnovative bioenergy solutions for developing nations: dark fermentation and anaerobic digestion of abattoir wasteG.J. Gaogane, P. Sekoai, C. Troisbiohydrogen, biomethane, 2-stage anaerobic digestion, dark fermentation, abattoir waste, sustainable energy, biorefineries
B5 (2) National strategies and case studiesGaps and challenges of the waste management sector in SenegalQ. Thabit, V. Ekanthalu, Z. Asiedu, S. Narra, M. Nellesmunicipal solid waste, case study, Senegal, composition, collection
B5 (3) National strategies and case studiesThe evolution of the Hungarian MSW sampling methodology from Pierre Gy’s MODECOM to sophistcated EPR and DRS based oneJ. Faitli, C. Leitol, C. Ágostonextended producer responsibility (EPR), deposit refund systems (DRS), waste sampling, municipal solid wastes (MSW)
B5 (4) National strategies and case studiesPerspectives for production and use of renewable hydrogen from biomass residues and waste in BrazilA.C. Gutierrez-Gomez, V.P. Garcilasso, M.M. dos Santos, J.R. Meneghini, K.L. Mascarenhas, M.S. Buckeridge, S. Coelhovinasse, filter cake, municipal solid waste, biomass, steam reforming
B5 (5) National strategies and case studiesAssessment of integration of solar dryer, incinerator, and anaerobic digester for enhanced energy recovery from the municipal solid wasteS. Rohit, M.K. Chandelmunicipal solid waste, Incineration, Anaerobic digestion, Solar dryer, Exergy, Environmental performance
B6 (1) Anaerobic digestion: reactor design and controlMixing in a model rotating drum AD reactor characterized by particle tracking and computational fluid dynamicsD. Krahe, J. Herfurtner, F. Brück, U. Theilen, H. Weigand, S. Annasbiowaste, OFMSW, dry anaerobic digestion, rheology, waste management, PTV, CFD
B6 (2) Anaerobic digestion: reactor design and controlMonitoring seasonal efficiency of dry anaerobic digestion plantD. Bona, L. Grandi, S. Bertolini, D. Scrinzi, S. Silvestri, M. Zorzidry anaerobic digestion, biomethane potential, organic loading rate, specific methane production, full-scale plant efficiency
B6 (3) Anaerobic digestion: reactor design and controlTransformer-based anaerobic digestion time series forecasting model: inference to interpretationS. Choi, S. Hwanganaerobic digestion, deep learning, biogas production forecasting, transformer, model interpretation
B6 (4) Anaerobic digestion: reactor design and controlThe Proof-of-Concept: the modelling of the evolution of inoculum and substrate inside a continuous flow anaerobic reactorM.T. Valentin, A. Bialowiecsubstrate, inoculum, concentration, steady-state
B7 (1) Anaerobic digestion: process enhancementRegulation of acidogenic fermentation through exogenous additives for promoting carbon conversion of food waste in two-phase anaerobic systemJ.W.C. Wong, L. Luoacetate addition, Megasphaera, leach bed reactor, fermentation pathway, methane
B7 (2) Anaerobic digestion: process enhancementImpact of sonication pretreatment on phosphorus release and adsorption from livestock manure anaerobic digestateJ.H. Lee, J.Y. Choi, J.H. Lee, D.Y. Kim, E. Lee, K.Y. Parksonication pretreatment, livestock manure, anaerobic digestate, phosphorus release, adsorption
B7 (3) Anaerobic digestion: process enhancementMitigating calcium inhibition in organic sludge digestion through CO2 injectionJ. Kim, J.Y. Kimanaerobic digestion, calcium reduction, CO2 enrichment, kinetic constant
B7 (4) Anaerobic digestion: process enhancementThe impact of mechanical pretreatment system on carbon reduction: A field study of an industrial-scale biogas plant in ChinaZ. Shi, P. He, J. Guo, W. Peng, H. Zhang, F. Lübiogenic waste, life cycle assessment, anaerobic digestion, pretreatment, material flow analysis
B8 (1) Algal biomass for energy applicationIndustry of the Algae Production in Europe – The future and possible application in a circular and eco-friendly bioeconomyE. Pozzuoli, M. Iovinella, C. Auciello, S. Papa, M.R. di Cicco, C. Lubritto, C. Cinigliaalgae, blue bioeconomy, extremophiles
B8 (2) Algal biomass for energy applicationAlgae biomass for energy applicationsF.G. Torres, A. Urtechoulvan, green algae, energy harvesting, triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs)
B8 (3) Algal biomass for energy applicationBiogas yield of microalgae biomass harvested from two different algae-based wastewater treatment systemsH. Velten, N. Hasport, D. Reinecke, U. Theilenopen pond, algae turf scrubber, microalgae, biogas
B8 (4) Algal biomass for energy applicationResearch on eco-friendly biofuel production technology using microalgae: Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL)G. Lim, W. Chung, S. Chang, M. Park, S. Hong, B. Jeon, S. Choimicroalgae, hydrothermal liquefaction, bio-crude, biofuel
B9 (1) Fate and degradation of bioplastics in anaerobic digestionWaste bioplastics in anaerobic digestion: challenges and hydrothermal solutionsF. Marchelli, L. Fioribio-based plastics, anaerobic digestion, hydrothermal carbonization, thermal hydrolysis
B9 (2) Fate and degradation of bioplastics in anaerobic digestionBacterial and archaeal population dynamics in thermophilic hydrogenotrophic methanogenic microbial communities degrading PLA bioplasticsY. Ahn, M. Lee, S. Kim, E. Choi, J. ParkPLA, anaerobic degradation, hydrogenotrophic methanogens, sodium hydroxide (NaOH), VFA
B9 (3) Fate and degradation of bioplastics in anaerobic digestionEnhanced bioenergy recovery through co-digestion of biodegradable packaging materials with food wasteW. Peng, Z.Y. Su, F. Lü, H. Zhang, P.J. Hebiodegradable materials, anaerobic digestion, bioenergy, degradation, post-digestion
C1 (1) Workshop: Generation of energy from microbial fuel cellsImproving the efficiency of medium-scale dual-chamber microbial fuel cells by using innovative electrode materials and appropriate selection of external resistanceF. Borja-Maldonado, M.Á. López Zavalaexternal resistance, hydrochloric acid, hydrophilic-treated graphene, microbial fuel cell
C1 (2) Workshop: Generation of energy from microbial fuel cellsContribution of electrode and membrane materials, configurations, electron transfer mechanisms, and cost of components on the current and future development of microbial fuel cellsF. Borja-Maldonado, M.Á. López Zavalaelectrode materials, electron transfer mechanism, membrane materials, MFC configurations, materials cost
C2 (1) Sewage sludge to energySludge effectiveness in the disruptive process of a biomass substrate for improved energy yieldL. Ekpeni, K. Benyounis, J. Stokesrenewable energy generation, waste activated sludge, biomass substrate, anaerobic digestion, dewaterability
C2 (2) Sewage sludge to energyImpact of primary and secondary pretreatment on anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludgeB.-K. Ahn, Y.-M. Yunanaerobic digestion, pretreatment, anaerobically digested sludge, waste activated sludge
C2 (3) Sewage sludge to energyEvaluation of sewage sludge treatment by pilot pyrolysis plant and laboratory analysisE. Fersini, A. Giuliano, F. Todaro, A. Violante, C. Wieth, M. Notarnicolapyrolysis, sewage sludge treatment, circular economy, waste management
C2 (4) Sewage sludge to energyPyrolysis of dairy sewage sludge, energy and environmental aspects of biocharK. Swiechowski, K. Zasanska, J. Rosik, M. Bednik, S. Stegenta-Dabrowskabiomass, conversion, bioproduct, bioeconomy, fuel, fertilizer
C2 (5) Sewage sludge to energyAnalysis of the PFAS treatment, regulation and experimental investigationD. Panepinto, B. Ruffino, S. Frisario, M. Urciuolo, A. de Folly d’Auris, G. Premoli, M. ZanettiPFAS, PFAS regulation, thermal treatment, laboratory analysis
C4 (1) Workshop: Production and recycling of waste from renewable energy productionRaw-crushed wind-turbine blade as an effective addition to enhance recycled concrete propertiesD. Trento, F. Faleschini, V. Revilla-Cuesta, V. Ortega-Lópezrecycled concrete, raw-crushed wind-turbine blades, plastic shrinkage, flexural strength, compressive strength
C4 (2) Workshop: Production and recycling of waste from renewable energy productionRecycling of photovoltaic panels: process development and technology transfer during the last ten yearsF. Pagnanelli, P. Altimari, P.G. Schiavi, E. Moscardini, L. Torophotovoltaic panels, recycling, solvent, silver, pilot scale
C4 (3) Workshop: Production and recycling of waste from renewable energy productionFlexible hydrometallurgical process for metal recovery from new generation photovoltaic panelsA. Becci, A. Amato, M. D’Arcangelo, F. Beolchinihydrometallurgical process, CIGS, organic PV panel, H2SO4, Indium
C5 (1) Workshop: From waste to wealth: exploring the power of agro-industrial wasteWorkshop: From waste to wealth: exploring the power of agro-industrial wasteS. Bertolini, S. Silvestribioeconomy, bio-waste treatment processes, nutrients recovery, fertilizers
C7 (1) Workshop: Low temperature thermal conversionHydrothermal carbonisation of organic waste for thermal energy generationY. RyckmansHTC, thermal pretreatment, combustion, gasification, organic waste
C7 (2) Workshop: Low temperature thermal conversionTreatment of a waste polyvinyl chloride with a new type of 3-stage thermochemical conversion processJ.-W. Kim, C.-W. Park, J.-S. Kimpolyvinyl chloride, thermochemical conversion, hydrogen, waste plastic
C8 (1) FeedstockThe potential of native starch biomass to produce materials for energy applicationsO.P. Troncoso, F.G. Torres, V. Delgadonative starch, harvested biomass, agriculture crops, energy harvesting, triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs)
C8 (2) FeedstockApplication of the fractal dimension analysis of the chromatograms for profiling the volatile organic compounds release from lignocellulosic biomassE. Sygula, A. Bialowieclignocellulosic biomass, volatile organic compounds, release, profiling, chromatogram, fractal analysis
C8 (3) FeedstockInnovation in insect biomass valorization: towards a sustainable futureL.M.D.R.S. Martins, A.P.C. Ribeiro, M.J.O. Martins, A. Figueiras, I.A.S. Matiasbioindustry, insect valorisation, chitin, chitosan, circular economy, sustainable chemistry
C8 (4) FeedstockMolecular insights into the biological treatment process of waste leachateJ. Qiu, F. Lü, H. Zhang, P.-J. Hesolid waste, molecular information, DOM, organics and nitrogen removal, HRMS
C9 (1) Waste management optimization for resources recoveryMachine learning-aided rapid identification of municipal solid waste using optical reflectance spectraH. Zou, P. He, H. Zhangpolymer recycling, NIR, infrared spectroscopy, low reflectance spectral, preprocessing
C9 (2) Waste management optimization for resources recoveryThe food waste model for food services: focus on the Helsinki Metropolitan AreaK. Silvennoinen, E. Lehtonen, X. Liu, V. Lampi, S. Nisonenfood waste, data collection, measurement methods, food services, redistribution
C9 (3) Waste management optimization for resources recoveryTwo-step leaching process for resource recovery: recovery copper and gold from the end-of-life LEDs with volatile fatty acidsS.R. Kong, G. Sim, Y. Parke-waste, circular economy, ligand, critical elements, hydrometallurgy
C9 (4) Waste management optimization for resources recoveryMaterials recovery from end-of-life electrochemical storage systems: results from the IEMAP projectO. Masetti, M. Pietrantonio, F. Forte, S. Pucciarmati, M. Tammaro, D. Fontanabatteries, lithium iron phosphate, hydrometallurgy, secondary raw materials
C9 (5) Waste management optimization for resources recoveryUnderstanding the limitations of recycling and utilization rate targets for circular plastics management: a general economic equilibrium model including material flow analysisM. Freiberger, S. Rivic, O. Cencic, A. Prskawetz, H. Rechberger, C. Scharffgeneral equilibrium model, material flow analysis, circular economy
PP (1) PosterDesign and application of Vanadium-based composite catalysts in biogas cracking for hydrogen production in new energy conversionS. Li, A. Ding, Z. Bian, Y. Xuanvanadium-based catalysts, methane cracking, hydrogen energy, biogas, degree of graphitization
PP (10) PosterCO2 dynamics and sorption potential in modified rudiments from silica gel and activated carbon: molecular dynamics simulationA.K. Wejlahphysisorption, diffusion, thermodynamics, molecular dynamics simulation
PP (11) PosterAssessment of plant growth and translocation of endogenous heavy metals from swine manure biochar under elevated CO2 conditionW. Jeong, G. Lee, K. Baekelevated CO2, plant growth, phytofixation, biochar, endogenous heavy metals
PP (12) PosterEffect of magnetite particles on anaerobic digestion of phenolic wastewater under increasing ammonia loadsS. Jung, S.E. Kim, C. Rhee, S.G. Shin, J. Leeanaerobic digestion, ammonia inhibition, bioaugmentation, magnetite
PP (13) PosterEvaluation of atmospheric emissions and ash generated from co-firing of mineral coal with biomass wasteF. de Aguiar de Linhares, P. Juarez Melo, N.R. Marcilioco-firing, coal and biomass, fluidized bed, ash characterization
PP (14) PosterSilica recovery from residues of anaerobic digestion of rice husk and rice strawS. Kim, J. Kim, J.Y. Kimwaste management, resource recovery, biogas
PP (15) PosterA study on the method of identifying animal species of crushed recycled leather fiberY. Ahn, S. Kim, H. Shinleaterh fiber, Maldi-Tof, crushed leather, recycled leather, protein
PP (16) PosterModular gasification of wasteE.C. Rada, L. Adami, A. Castellucci, V. Torretta, M. Ragazzienergy, gasification, modular, sewage sludge, small scale, waste
PP (17) PosterAssessing risks and safety protocols in the dismantling of lithium-ion batteriesT. Younas, F. Vegliò, M. Prisciandaro, V. Innocenzili-ion batteries, dismantling, risks associated with dismantling, safety measures, environmental impact
PP (18) PosterEnergy production from wastewater treatment sludge: a case study of Casan in Santa Catarina, BrazilA.L.V. Cubas, S.S.H. Diassewage sludge, energy production, CASAN, anaerobic digestion, incineration, sustainability
PP (19) PosterRecirculation of process water in the hydrothermal carbonization of wood waste: a sustainable and carbon neutral strategyS.-J. Lee, S.-U. Jeong, T.-Y. Ryu, J.-Y. Leehydrothermal carbonization, wood waste, hydrochar, bio-liquid, carbon neutral
PP (2) PosterThe evaluation of the bio-drying through mixing of sewage sludge and herbal medicine by-productsS. Lee, W. Cho, H. Park, M. Seo, J.-Y. Leeherbal medicine by-products, sewage sludge, bio-drying, fuel coal
PP (20) PosterA study on syngas production from low-grade waste plastic pyrolysis oil via oxygen/steam gasification using entrained flow gasifierS.M. Yoon, H. Jo, D. Tokmurzin, M.W. Seo, T.-Y. Mun, J.H. Moon, S.J. Park, S.J. Yoon, J.G. Lee, K. Lee, H.W. Rawaste plastic, pyrolysis oil, entrained flow gasification
PP (21) PosterEmissions trading and carbon removal certification methodologies for biocharS.-Y. Park, H.-T. Kim, J.-Y. Leecarbon removal, biochar, emissions trading, methodology
PP (22) PosterDevelopment of machine learning model for predicting the adsorption characteristics of biochar by waste woodJ. Chang, J.-Y. Leemachine learning, waste wood, activated carbon
PP (23) PosterBiogas production from prickly pears cladodes as a sole substrateG. Markou, D. Arapoglou, C. Eliopoulos, I. Langousi, E. Kougia, A. Liatiribiogas, anaerobic digestion, prickly pear cladodes, biomass, energy crops
PP (24) PosterAnalysis of sieving and thermo-alkali pretreatment for enhancing methane production from cow manureT. Kim, S. Kim, J. Kim, J.Y. Kimanaerobic digestion, organic waste, BMP test, pretreatment, biogas
PP (25) PosterInvestigation on the potential of a biological treatment with P. Ostreatus to convert a spent solid anaerobic digestion effluent into a new substrate with significant methane generation capacityP. Basinas, K. Chamrádová, Z. Rybková, J. Rusín, K. Malachováanaerobic digestion, digestate, fungus, pretreatment, methane, pleurotus ostreatus
PP (26) PosterContinuous production of small-sized bio-coke from adzuki bean harvest residue and its co-firing characteristics with wood pelletsA. Kawamura, M. Akahori, T. Idaharvest residue, high-ash biomass, combustion ash, caking clinker, bio-coke
PP (27) PosterAspects and facts of the waste management sector in Ivory CoastQ. Thabit, V. Ekanthalu, Z. Asiedu, S. NarraIvory Coast, case study, biomass resources, waste management
PP (28) PosterThe potential of autochthonous plants for lanthanoid extraction from mining wasteJ. Havranová, P. Midula, S. Čerňanskýlanthanides, phytomining, recovery, bioremediation
PP (29) PosterAssessment of the bioethanol potential of jackfruit Pulp (Artocarpus heterophyllus) from MadagascarM. Dimbinandriatahina, J.-L. Rasoanaivo, A. Ravoninjatovo, N. Rabetokotany-Rarivosonpulp, distillation, sugar rate, alcohol degree, bioenergy
PP (3) PosterCost analysis of firing process variables for life cycle costing of sustainable ceramic materials made from wasteA.B. López, C.J. Cobo-Ceacero, M.T. Cotes-Palomino, A. Dubbelman-Vizcaíno, F.J. Iglesias-Godino, C. Martínez-García, A.C. Revelo-Rodríguez, F.J. Troyano-Pérez, F. Torres-Fernándezlife-cycle cost, sustainability, sustainable materials
PP (30) PosterApplication of lab-scale anaerobic digestion with AI (Artificial Intelligence) modelW. Chung, S. Chang, D. Bang, G. Lim, M. Kim, J.T. Kim, S. Yanganaerobic digestion, artificial intelligence, organic waste, biogas, physicochemical indicators, microorganisms community
PP (31) PosterComparative analysis of lignocellulosic composition characteristics of organic municipal solid wastes: insights from Kumasi and global cities for biogas feedstockJ. Darmey, S. Narra, O.-W. Achaw, J.C. Ahiekpor, B.A. N’guessan Cougouaiscellulose, hemicellulose, biogas, municipal solid wastes, anaerobic digestion
PP (32) PosterAssessment of greenhouse gas (N2O, CH4, CO2) and ammonia (NH3) emissions from laboratory-developed biocover solutionsK. Siltumens, I. Grinfelde, J. Burlakovsemission measurement, climate change mitigation, greenhouse effect reduction, biocover performance
PP (33) PosterBenchmarking Municipal WEEE Collection in Germany as a tool to prevent fires when collecting old appliancesW. Bauer, B. Lipowsky, K. LöberWEEE, benchmarking, network, transparency, fires
PP (34) PosterCommunicating Waste-to-Energy: navigating public perception, media narratives and societal engagementK.L. Mascarenhas, S.T. Coelho, J.R. Meneghiniwaste-to-energy (WtE), public perception, media narratives, social movements, communication strategies
PP (4) PosterPreliminary development of circularity indicators in the Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) sectorF. Torres-Fernández, C. J. Cobo-Ceacero, M.T. Cotes-Palomino, A. Dubbelman-Vizcaíno, F. J. Iglesias-Godino, C. Martínez-García, A.C. Revelo-Rodríguez, F. J. Troyano-Pérez, A.B. Lópezcircularity indices, sustainability, construction
PP (5) PosterIdentifying the sources of black carbon in PM2.5 using a tricolor absorption photometer at an urban site in Daejeon during 2024I.S. Cho, S. Mishra, S. LimPM2.5, black carbon (BC), biomass burning, wildfires, forest biomass, Absorption Ångström Exponent (AAE)
PP (6) PosterProduced water on offshore oil platforms in Brazil: characterization, monitoring and environmental impactL.F. Pereira Marcilio, A.M. Sampaio Pereira, N.R. Marcilio, A.C. de Azevedoprocessing of oil, environmental impacts, produced water, toxicity tests, unconventional technologies
PP (7) PosterConsumption and carbon footprints of single-use plastic cups in South KoreaC. Lee, Y.-C. Jangsingle-use plastic cup, consumption footprint, life cycle assessment, carbon footprint
PP (8) PosterMetataxonomic characterization and analysis of temperature effects on organic waste biomass composting processesD. Bang, J. Shim, B. Jeon, S. Chang, W. Chungmetataxonomic characteristics, organic waste biomass, composting
PP (9) PosterFull-scale co-composting of sewage sludge and waste materials at various mixing proportions and aeriation conditions to produce stabilized compostK. Chamrádová, J. Pavlíková, P. Basinas, M. Vráblová, K. Smutná, B. Tenklová, J. Rusín, D. Vrábl, R. Chalupa, I. Koutníkcomposting, sewage sludge, stabilization, mixtures, mixing ratio, aeriation
A1 (1) Environmental and planning issuesEvaluation of emission factors for waste-to-energy plants based on experimental measurements and plant specific dataL. Acampora, G. Costa, S. Malvezzi, B. Papa, C. Mensiemission factors, carbon dioxide, waste to energy, climate change
A1 (2) Environmental and planning issuesAir-polluting emissions from pyrolysis of biomass and wasteH. Gohar, G. Beggio, M.C. Lavagnolopyrolysis, feedstocks, air pollutants, emission limit values
A1 (3) Environmental and planning issuesOptimal location of incineration facilities considering multiple periods: a case study of Kyoto CityY. Yoshida, Y. Hirai, J. Yanoincineration facility, multiple-period optimization, wide-area treatment
A1 (4) Environmental and planning issuesBiomethanation of biomass waste and its demand for the products by province in JapanK. Kawai, H. Hirai, K. Ishiketa, T. Kobayashi, H. Kuramochi, M. Osakofood waste, organic farming, decarbonization, hydrogen, city gas
A2 (1) Biomass and waste derived fuelSolid product as possible elemental pollutants reservoir after Refused Derived Fuel (RDF) thermal plasma treatmentB.N. López Niño, M. Buryi, A. MašlaniRDF, thermal plasma treatment, elemental pollutants
A2 (2) Biomass and waste derived fuelRefused derived fuel (RDF) bio-drying by using composting turning machine in a full-scale Egyptian facilitiesH. Sherif, M. Salah, M.S. Sadek, R.M. Sayed, S. Saeedrefused derived fuel (RDF), alternative solid fuel, renewable energy, open air drying, bio-drying, compost turning machine, mechanical treatment
A2 (3) Biomass and waste derived fuelBiomass Derived Fuel (BDF) production in Egypt: current status and future prospectsH. Sherif, M.S. Sadek, R.M. Sayed, S. Saeedbiomass derived fuel (BDF), sustainable energy production, agriculture residues, waste management
A3 (2) Combustion processMultiple AI models for improving combustion stability of waste-to-energy plantsA. Ise, C. Nishihara, Y. Onuki, G. Matsumoto, S. Motoyama, S. Shigemasawaste-to-energy plant, automatic combustion control, AI model, prediction combustion states, prediction image, stabilization waste layer thickness
A3 (3) Combustion processModelling approaches for model-based predictive control of acid gases in waste-to-energy plantsS. Ozgen, A. Wu, F. Ruizacid gas control, reactant feed optimization, data-driven model, fabric filter residue minimization
A3 (4) Combustion processEvaluation of corrosion of superheater tubes under CO2-rich environment in waste to energy plantT. Shinohara, H. Harada, K. Shiota, M. Takaokacarbon neutral, waste to energy plant, high temperature corrosion, boiler superheater tubes
A4 (1) Waste pyrolysisStudy of pyrolysis characteristics of actual refuse to establish a pyrolysis gasification process for Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)W. Zhao, H. Harada, S. Oleszek, K. Shiota, Y. Sakurai, K.Oshita, M. Takaokamunicipal solid waste (MSW), pyrolysis and gasification, Py-GC/MS, carbon neutrality
A4 (2) Waste pyrolysisStudy on catalytic pyrolysis characteristics of waste plastics in medical wasteP. Ma, J. Yan, Z. Ma, A. Cao, S. Ling, Y. Zhangmedical waste, TG-FTIR, catalytic pyrolysis, kinetics
A4 (3) Waste pyrolysisSulfur and Chlorine releasing and migration during pyrolysis of anaerobic digestate derived from kitchen wasteJ. Zhang, Y. Guo, Z. Zhang, Z. Zhang, T. Zhanganaerobic digestate, pyrolysis, kitchen waste, anaerobic digestion, Py-GC/MS, XPS
A4 (4) Waste pyrolysisThe effect of pre-pyrolysis on structure and properties of hard carbon for sodium batteryA. Zhang, Y. Qiu, Y. Fenghard carbon, pyrolysis, sodium-ion batteries, blueberry wine pomace
A4 (5) Waste pyrolysisFurfural emission from biochar derived from lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose: industrial benefits and environmental risksE. Sygula, J. Lyczko, A. Bialowiecfurfural, biomass, biochar, volatile organic compounds, pyrolysis, pollution monitoring
A5 (1) GasificationSteam gasification of wood using a two-stage gasification process: How to avoid bed agglomeration and tar problems simultaneously in a fluidized bed gasification.S.-H. Song, J.-K. Kim, J.-W. Kim, C.-W. Park, J.-S. Kimtwo-stage gasification, wood, bed agglomeration, tar, hydrogen
A5 (2) GasificationDevelopment of an advanced shaft furnace gasification technology for municipal solid waste in a commercial scale plantN. Tanigaki, N. Fukuda, J. Takada, T. Izumiyagasification, waste, equivalence ratio, decarbonization, PCDD/DFs, heavy metals
A5 (3) GasificationSteam gasification as a sustainable strategy for automotive wire harness treatment and syngas productionR. Zhang, K. Oshita, T. Shida, K. Nakajima, H. Toshioka, M. Takaokasteam gasification, automotive wire harness, hydrogen-rich syngas, metal recovery potential, coke
A5 (4) GasificationHot syngas clean-up by catalytic cracking of tars: the effect of main parametersV. Arconati, C. Boccia, F. Parrillo, F. Ardolino, G. Ruoppolo, U. Arenagasification, syngas cleaning, catalyst, tar cracking
A6 (1) Carbon captureEnergy-from-waste – What is the potential to provide net-negative carbon emissions?T.F. Astrup, D. Kuri, J. Haukohl, S. Halevi, M. van Bruntenergy-from-waste, energy recovery, anaerobic digestion, recycling, carbon capture
A6 (2) Carbon captureCarbon sequestration potential within solid waste managementR. Salvador, R.-A. Doongcircular economy, carbon sequestration, waste management, urban ecosystems
A6 (3) Carbon captureReview of BECCS technologies with a specific focus on combustion-based processesL. Cretarola, F. Viganòbioenergy, carbon capture and storage, BECCS, CCS, negative emissions, energy efficiency
A6 (4) Carbon capturePerformance comparison of various BECCS optionsL. Cretarola, F. Viganòbioenergy with carbon capture and storage, BECCS, CCS, negative emissions, performances
A6 (5) Carbon captureWTE with negative CO2 emissions via CaLooping: the Horizon Europe HERCCULES projectM. Spinelli, C. Artini, M. Gatti, M.C. Romano, S. ConsonniHERCCULES, EU HORIZON project, pilot plant, CO2 capture, process simulation, calcium looping, waste-to-energy, compression and purification unit
A7 (1) Resources recovery from industrial and commercial wasteWaste to Resource: feasibility study on ligand-based pH swing process for selective recovery of manganese and calcium carbonate from steel slagP.T. Triwigati, S. Noh, S. Moon, E. Kim, Y. ParkCCUS, carbon dioxide, steel slag, manganese recovery, chelating agent
A7 (2) Resources recovery from industrial and commercial wastePhotocatlytic H2 evolution on Tio2/Fe-doped hydroxyapatite derived from converter slagK. Shu, C. Chuaicham, K. Sasakisteel-making converter slag, Fe-doped hydroxyapatite, TiO2, H2 generation, visible light responsive photocatalyst, Pt cocatalyst
A7 (3) Resources recovery from industrial and commercial wasteAdvanced indoor air treatment: tungsten-doped titanium dioxide nanohybrids for photocatalytic toluene removalH.N. Ly, W.R. Lee, S. Kimair pollutant treatment, toluene removal, W-doped TiO2, long-term stability, photocatalyst regeneration
A7 (4) Resources recovery from industrial and commercial wasteWaste heat potentials from liquid cooled data centres for sustainable building heating solutionsX. Lü, T. Ludata centre waste heat reuse, liquid cooling technology, district heating networks, climate-specific solutions
A8 (2) Combustion residuesDifferences in the composition of fine cyclone fly ash and ESP fly ash from woody biomass combustionC. Lanzerstorferbiomass combustion, fly ash, cyclone fly ash, composition
A8 (3) Combustion residuesRecycling waste incineration fly ash and red mud into novel geopolymerZ. Liu, Y. Xia, L. Wang, J. Yanincineration residue, alkali-activated materials, hazardous waste treatment, low-carbon construction materials, heavy metal leachability
A8 (4) Combustion residuesPotential of pelletized bottom and fly ashes from wood combustion for sustainable H2S removal from biogasF. Lapp, F. Schmutzler, F. Brück, T. Liebich, M. Lang, U. Theilen, H. Weigandbiomass ash, wood ash, biogas, desulfurization, H2S filter, pelletizing, forestry fertilizer, filter column
A8 (5) Combustion residuesPost-treatment of sugarcane bagasse ash: a comparative analysis of acid treatment and sol-gel processC. Owusu Prempeh, A.J. Babafemi, I. Hartmann, M. Nellessugarcane industrial ash, posttreatment, ordinary portland cement, pozzolanic activity, silica
A9 (1) Hydrogen production and utilizationSustainable hydrogen production via electrolysis of ammonia in landfill leachateE.K. Byeon, H.-I. Kimlandfill leachate, ammonia, electrolysis, electrochemical denitrification, hydrogen production, green energy
A9 (2) Hydrogen production and utilizationHydrogen production during the electrochemical treatment of textile dyeing concentrates rejected from nanofiltrationD. Cuesta-Mota, L. Canals Casals, V. López-Grimauhydrogen production, electrochemical treatment, textile wastewater, reactive dye, anion exchange membrane
A9 (3) Hydrogen production and utilizationComparative economic and environmental performance assessment of biomass gasification pathway for green H2 productionG.S. Ganesh, S. Dasappa, B. Patil, A.M. Shivapujibiomass gasification, green hydrogen, global warming potential
A9 (4) Hydrogen production and utilizationEnvironmental performance of a regional railway transportation fueled by hydrogen from wasteF. Ardolino, F. Parrillo, U. Arenadecarbonized transportation, life cycle assessment, hydrogen, thermal treatments
B1 (1) BiorefinerySelecting and cultivating photosynthetic microorganisms in anaerobic digestion effluent from agricultural waste for bioplastic productionE. Sventzouri, K. Pispas, G. Manthos, M. Kornarosmicroalgae, cyanobacteria, bioplastics, polyhydroxyalkanoates, anaerobic digestion effluent, bioremediation
B1 (2) BiorefineryExploring biomass valorisation in applied smouldering systemsF. Khodaparastan, S. Ashok, E. De-Oliveira, C. Switzer, G.P. Grant, M. Zanoni, J. Bowen, T. Rashwanbiomass valorisation, smouldering combustion, thermochemical conversion, oxygen dynamics, biochar production, pyrolysis, oxidation reactions, waste management
B1 (3) BiorefineryExtraction of Chitin from Tenebrio MolitorA.P.C. Ribeiro, A.O. Figueiras, L.M.D.R.S. MartinsChitin, Tenebrio Molitor
B2 (1) Aerobic digestionCharacterization of feedstocks for the optimization of energy recovery from composting: a review for the TEAPOTS projectK.O.F. Al-Twal, G. Beggio, V. Grossule, A. Sandon, M. Schiavon, M.C. Lavagnolocompost heat recovery system, feedstock selection, energy recovery, animal waste, green waste, sustainable waste management
B2 (2) Aerobic digestionComparative analysis of biogas and compost plants for source-separated biowaste treatmentH. Jalalipour, S. Nakhaei, G. Morschek, M. Nellesbiowaste management, anaerobic digestion, composting, life cycle assessment
B2 (3) Aerobic digestionOptimizing dairy sewage sludge and green waste composting: laboratory-scale studyS. Stegenta-Dabrowska, J. Rosik, K. SwiechowskiGHG emissions, carbon monoxide, ammonia
B2 (4) Aerobic digestionAchieving rapid stabilisation of aerobic composting by the construction of oxygen transport channelsW. Chen, Y. He, L. Xieco-composting, polypropylene filter balls, oxygen channeling, organic matter degradation, microbial interactions
B2 (5) Aerobic digestionOn-site aerobic bio-digester for resource recovery from food wasteR. Burch, D.K. Cha, M.J. Chajesfood waste, aerobic digester, microbial degradation, resource recovery
B3 (1) BiofuelsFlying the future: advances in sustainable aviation fuels at the Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI)B.A. Simmonsbioenergy, biofuels, bioeconomy, biomass, synthetic biology, biomass deconstruction, biomass pretreatment, bioenergy crops
B3 (2) BiofuelsProduction of iso-alkanes in aviation fuel from catalytic pyrolysis of low-density polyethyleneH. Tang, D. Chen, Y. Fengcatalytic pyrolysis, sustainable aviation fuel, FAU structure
B3 (3) BiofuelsCombining dark fermentation, hydrothermal carbonization and anaerobic digestion for producing biofuelsL. Lombard, A. Polettini, R. Pomi, A. Rossi, T. Zonfa, M. Wilkhydrogen, hydrochar, biogas, cheese whey
B4 (1) Lifecycle thinking and assessmentComparative LCA of carbonation-based treatments for valorising Alkaline residues and storing CO2 within a biorefinery processA. Masi, G. Costa, L. Lombardimineral carbonation, direct carbonation, indirect carbonation, LCA
B4 (2) Lifecycle thinking and assessmentEnergy or material use of biochar and hydrochar produced from sewage sludge? A life cycle assessment approachF. Gievers, A. Loewen, M. Nelleslife cycle assessment, pyrolysis, hydrothermal carbonization, sewage sludge, biochar, hydrochar, global warming potential, sustainable sludge management, nutrient recovery, carbon sequestration
B4 (3) Lifecycle thinking and assessmentTowards the life cycle assessment of a rural value network centered on the energetic and material utilization of biowasteH.-S. Tscherney, H. Rohnlife cycle assessment, rural value network, biowaste utilization, biogas plants, anaerobic digestion
B4 (4) Lifecycle thinking and assessmentLIFE-C: promoting life cycle thinking in higher educationL. Lombardi, G. Arcese, G.C. Elmo, B. Mendecka, S. Sobek, K. Pikon, A. Kuzior, K. Moustakas, M. Kyriazi, M. Horttanainen, K. Grönman, M. Abdulkareem, M. Khan, A. Woszczeklife cycle assessment, life cycle costing, social life cycle assessment, life cycle sustainability, teaching
B5 (1) National strategies and case studiesInnovative bioenergy solutions for developing nations: dark fermentation and anaerobic digestion of abattoir wasteG.J. Gaogane, P. Sekoai, C. Troisbiohydrogen, biomethane, 2-stage anaerobic digestion, dark fermentation, abattoir waste, sustainable energy, biorefineries
B5 (2) National strategies and case studiesGaps and challenges of the waste management sector in SenegalQ. Thabit, V. Ekanthalu, Z. Asiedu, S. Narra, M. Nellesmunicipal solid waste, case study, Senegal, composition, collection
B5 (3) National strategies and case studiesThe evolution of the Hungarian MSW sampling methodology from Pierre Gy’s MODECOM to sophistcated EPR and DRS based oneJ. Faitli, C. Leitol, C. Ágostonextended producer responsibility (EPR), deposit refund systems (DRS), waste sampling, municipal solid wastes (MSW)
B5 (4) National strategies and case studiesPerspectives for production and use of renewable hydrogen from biomass residues and waste in BrazilA.C. Gutierrez-Gomez, V.P. Garcilasso, M.M. dos Santos, J.R. Meneghini, K.L. Mascarenhas, M.S. Buckeridge, S. Coelhovinasse, filter cake, municipal solid waste, biomass, steam reforming
B5 (5) National strategies and case studiesAssessment of integration of solar dryer, incinerator, and anaerobic digester for enhanced energy recovery from the municipal solid wasteS. Rohit, M.K. Chandelmunicipal solid waste, Incineration, Anaerobic digestion, Solar dryer, Exergy, Environmental performance
B6 (1) Anaerobic digestion: reactor design and controlMixing in a model rotating drum AD reactor characterized by particle tracking and computational fluid dynamicsD. Krahe, J. Herfurtner, F. Brück, U. Theilen, H. Weigand, S. Annasbiowaste, OFMSW, dry anaerobic digestion, rheology, waste management, PTV, CFD
B6 (2) Anaerobic digestion: reactor design and controlMonitoring seasonal efficiency of dry anaerobic digestion plantD. Bona, L. Grandi, S. Bertolini, D. Scrinzi, S. Silvestri, M. Zorzidry anaerobic digestion, biomethane potential, organic loading rate, specific methane production, full-scale plant efficiency
B6 (3) Anaerobic digestion: reactor design and controlTransformer-based anaerobic digestion time series forecasting model: inference to interpretationS. Choi, S. Hwanganaerobic digestion, deep learning, biogas production forecasting, transformer, model interpretation
B6 (4) Anaerobic digestion: reactor design and controlThe Proof-of-Concept: the modelling of the evolution of inoculum and substrate inside a continuous flow anaerobic reactorM.T. Valentin, A. Bialowiecsubstrate, inoculum, concentration, steady-state
B7 (1) Anaerobic digestion: process enhancementRegulation of acidogenic fermentation through exogenous additives for promoting carbon conversion of food waste in two-phase anaerobic systemJ.W.C. Wong, L. Luoacetate addition, Megasphaera, leach bed reactor, fermentation pathway, methane
B7 (2) Anaerobic digestion: process enhancementImpact of sonication pretreatment on phosphorus release and adsorption from livestock manure anaerobic digestateJ.H. Lee, J.Y. Choi, J.H. Lee, D.Y. Kim, E. Lee, K.Y. Parksonication pretreatment, livestock manure, anaerobic digestate, phosphorus release, adsorption
B7 (3) Anaerobic digestion: process enhancementMitigating calcium inhibition in organic sludge digestion through CO2 injectionJ. Kim, J.Y. Kimanaerobic digestion, calcium reduction, CO2 enrichment, kinetic constant
B7 (4) Anaerobic digestion: process enhancementThe impact of mechanical pretreatment system on carbon reduction: A field study of an industrial-scale biogas plant in ChinaZ. Shi, P. He, J. Guo, W. Peng, H. Zhang, F. Lübiogenic waste, life cycle assessment, anaerobic digestion, pretreatment, material flow analysis
B8 (1) Algal biomass for energy applicationIndustry of the Algae Production in Europe – The future and possible application in a circular and eco-friendly bioeconomyE. Pozzuoli, M. Iovinella, C. Auciello, S. Papa, M.R. di Cicco, C. Lubritto, C. Cinigliaalgae, blue bioeconomy, extremophiles
B8 (2) Algal biomass for energy applicationAlgae biomass for energy applicationsF.G. Torres, A. Urtechoulvan, green algae, energy harvesting, triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs)
B8 (3) Algal biomass for energy applicationBiogas yield of microalgae biomass harvested from two different algae-based wastewater treatment systemsH. Velten, N. Hasport, D. Reinecke, U. Theilenopen pond, algae turf scrubber, microalgae, biogas
B8 (4) Algal biomass for energy applicationResearch on eco-friendly biofuel production technology using microalgae: Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL)G. Lim, W. Chung, S. Chang, M. Park, S. Hong, B. Jeon, S. Choimicroalgae, hydrothermal liquefaction, bio-crude, biofuel
B9 (1) Fate and degradation of bioplastics in anaerobic digestionWaste bioplastics in anaerobic digestion: challenges and hydrothermal solutionsF. Marchelli, L. Fioribio-based plastics, anaerobic digestion, hydrothermal carbonization, thermal hydrolysis
B9 (2) Fate and degradation of bioplastics in anaerobic digestionBacterial and archaeal population dynamics in thermophilic hydrogenotrophic methanogenic microbial communities degrading PLA bioplasticsY. Ahn, M. Lee, S. Kim, E. Choi, J. ParkPLA, anaerobic degradation, hydrogenotrophic methanogens, sodium hydroxide (NaOH), VFA
B9 (3) Fate and degradation of bioplastics in anaerobic digestionEnhanced bioenergy recovery through co-digestion of biodegradable packaging materials with food wasteW. Peng, Z.Y. Su, F. Lü, H. Zhang, P.J. Hebiodegradable materials, anaerobic digestion, bioenergy, degradation, post-digestion
C1 (1) Workshop: Generation of energy from microbial fuel cellsImproving the efficiency of medium-scale dual-chamber microbial fuel cells by using innovative electrode materials and appropriate selection of external resistanceF. Borja-Maldonado, M.Á. López Zavalaexternal resistance, hydrochloric acid, hydrophilic-treated graphene, microbial fuel cell
C1 (2) Workshop: Generation of energy from microbial fuel cellsContribution of electrode and membrane materials, configurations, electron transfer mechanisms, and cost of components on the current and future development of microbial fuel cellsF. Borja-Maldonado, M.Á. López Zavalaelectrode materials, electron transfer mechanism, membrane materials, MFC configurations, materials cost
C2 (1) Sewage sludge to energySludge effectiveness in the disruptive process of a biomass substrate for improved energy yieldL. Ekpeni, K. Benyounis, J. Stokesrenewable energy generation, waste activated sludge, biomass substrate, anaerobic digestion, dewaterability
C2 (2) Sewage sludge to energyImpact of primary and secondary pretreatment on anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludgeB.-K. Ahn, Y.-M. Yunanaerobic digestion, pretreatment, anaerobically digested sludge, waste activated sludge
C2 (3) Sewage sludge to energyEvaluation of sewage sludge treatment by pilot pyrolysis plant and laboratory analysisE. Fersini, A. Giuliano, F. Todaro, A. Violante, C. Wieth, M. Notarnicolapyrolysis, sewage sludge treatment, circular economy, waste management
C2 (4) Sewage sludge to energyPyrolysis of dairy sewage sludge, energy and environmental aspects of biocharK. Swiechowski, K. Zasanska, J. Rosik, M. Bednik, S. Stegenta-Dabrowskabiomass, conversion, bioproduct, bioeconomy, fuel, fertilizer
C2 (5) Sewage sludge to energyAnalysis of the PFAS treatment, regulation and experimental investigationD. Panepinto, B. Ruffino, S. Frisario, M. Urciuolo, A. de Folly d’Auris, G. Premoli, M. ZanettiPFAS, PFAS regulation, thermal treatment, laboratory analysis
C4 (1) Workshop: Production and recycling of waste from renewable energy productionRaw-crushed wind-turbine blade as an effective addition to enhance recycled concrete propertiesD. Trento, F. Faleschini, V. Revilla-Cuesta, V. Ortega-Lópezrecycled concrete, raw-crushed wind-turbine blades, plastic shrinkage, flexural strength, compressive strength
C4 (2) Workshop: Production and recycling of waste from renewable energy productionRecycling of photovoltaic panels: process development and technology transfer during the last ten yearsF. Pagnanelli, P. Altimari, P.G. Schiavi, E. Moscardini, L. Torophotovoltaic panels, recycling, solvent, silver, pilot scale
C4 (3) Workshop: Production and recycling of waste from renewable energy productionFlexible hydrometallurgical process for metal recovery from new generation photovoltaic panelsA. Becci, A. Amato, M. D’Arcangelo, F. Beolchinihydrometallurgical process, CIGS, organic PV panel, H2SO4, Indium
C5 (1) Workshop: From waste to wealth: exploring the power of agro-industrial wasteWorkshop: From waste to wealth: exploring the power of agro-industrial wasteS. Bertolini, S. Silvestribioeconomy, bio-waste treatment processes, nutrients recovery, fertilizers
C7 (1) Workshop: Low temperature thermal conversionHydrothermal carbonisation of organic waste for thermal energy generationY. RyckmansHTC, thermal pretreatment, combustion, gasification, organic waste
C7 (2) Workshop: Low temperature thermal conversionTreatment of a waste polyvinyl chloride with a new type of 3-stage thermochemical conversion processJ.-W. Kim, C.-W. Park, J.-S. Kimpolyvinyl chloride, thermochemical conversion, hydrogen, waste plastic
C8 (1) FeedstockThe potential of native starch biomass to produce materials for energy applicationsO.P. Troncoso, F.G. Torres, V. Delgadonative starch, harvested biomass, agriculture crops, energy harvesting, triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs)
C8 (2) FeedstockApplication of the fractal dimension analysis of the chromatograms for profiling the volatile organic compounds release from lignocellulosic biomassE. Sygula, A. Bialowieclignocellulosic biomass, volatile organic compounds, release, profiling, chromatogram, fractal analysis
C8 (3) FeedstockInnovation in insect biomass valorization: towards a sustainable futureL.M.D.R.S. Martins, A.P.C. Ribeiro, M.J.O. Martins, A. Figueiras, I.A.S. Matiasbioindustry, insect valorisation, chitin, chitosan, circular economy, sustainable chemistry
C8 (4) FeedstockMolecular insights into the biological treatment process of waste leachateJ. Qiu, F. Lü, H. Zhang, P.-J. Hesolid waste, molecular information, DOM, organics and nitrogen removal, HRMS
C9 (1) Waste management optimization for resources recoveryMachine learning-aided rapid identification of municipal solid waste using optical reflectance spectraH. Zou, P. He, H. Zhangpolymer recycling, NIR, infrared spectroscopy, low reflectance spectral, preprocessing
C9 (2) Waste management optimization for resources recoveryThe food waste model for food services: focus on the Helsinki Metropolitan AreaK. Silvennoinen, E. Lehtonen, X. Liu, V. Lampi, S. Nisonenfood waste, data collection, measurement methods, food services, redistribution
C9 (3) Waste management optimization for resources recoveryTwo-step leaching process for resource recovery: recovery copper and gold from the end-of-life LEDs with volatile fatty acidsS.R. Kong, G. Sim, Y. Parke-waste, circular economy, ligand, critical elements, hydrometallurgy
C9 (4) Waste management optimization for resources recoveryMaterials recovery from end-of-life electrochemical storage systems: results from the IEMAP projectO. Masetti, M. Pietrantonio, F. Forte, S. Pucciarmati, M. Tammaro, D. Fontanabatteries, lithium iron phosphate, hydrometallurgy, secondary raw materials
C9 (5) Waste management optimization for resources recoveryUnderstanding the limitations of recycling and utilization rate targets for circular plastics management: a general economic equilibrium model including material flow analysisM. Freiberger, S. Rivic, O. Cencic, A. Prskawetz, H. Rechberger, C. Scharffgeneral equilibrium model, material flow analysis, circular economy
C3 (0) Workshop: Advances in biowaste fermentationPresentationTheilen
C3 (1) Workshop: Advances in biowaste fermentationPresentationBruck
C3 (2) Workshop: Advances in biowaste fermentationPresentationValentin
C3 (3) Workshop: Advances in biowaste fermentationPresentationTscherney
C3 (4) Workshop: Advances in biowaste fermentationPresentationBialowiec
C5 (2) Workshop: From waste to wealth: exploring the power of agro-industrial wastePresentationFiori
C5 (3) Workshop: From waste to wealth: exploring the power of agro-industrial wastePresentationSinicco
C5 (4) Workshop: From waste to wealth: exploring the power of agro-industrial wastePresentationSilvestri
C6 (0) Workshop: Knowledge gaps on PFAS thermal degradationPresentationRashwan
C7 (0) Workshop: Low temperature thermal conversionPresentationFiori
Focus II Biogenic waste incineration plants: nonsense or part of sustainable waste treatment?PresentationNelles
Focus II Biogenic waste incineration plants: nonsense or part of sustainable waste treatment?PresentationTakaoka
Focus II Biogenic waste incineration plants: nonsense or part of sustainable waste treatment?PresentationYan
Focus III Energy and Circular EconomyPresentationArena
Focus III Energy and Circular EconomyPresentationChen
Focus III Energy and Circular EconomyPresentationYan
Focus IV Carbon Capture - A way to decarbonise the waste system?PresentationAstrup
Focus IV Carbon Capture - A way to decarbonise the waste system?PresentationConsonni
Focus IV Carbon Capture - A way to decarbonise the waste system?PresentationViganò
A0 Opening SessionPresentationNelles