IWWG - International Waste Working Group is a non-profit association that aims to provide a forum to encourage economic and ecological waste management world-wide and to promote scientific advancement in the field
A4 (1) Social and economic aspects in Circular Economy of C&D waste
Buildings and the circular economy: estimating urban mining, recovery and reuse potential of building components
A. Luciano, P. Altamura, S. Baiani, L. Cutaia
urban mining, material stock, building stock, disused buildings, construction and demolition waste, circular design, reuse, circularity indicators, embodied carbon
A4 (2) Social and economic aspects in Circular Economy of C&D waste
Towards a community-based assessment of circular construction & demolition debris management
A. Brooks, N. Bell, J. Jambeck, M. Werner, M. Bilec
circular economy; construction; demolition; built environment; waste management; pollution
A4 (3) Social and economic aspects in Circular Economy of C&D waste
Value added recycled materials from construction and demolition waste
C. Gatti, A. Piemonti, G. Plizzari, S. Sorlini
construction and demolition waste, circular economy, innovative sorting technology, concrete, European Union
A5 (1) Open issues in Circular Economy and Health perspectives
Consequences and risk modeling of NaTech in industrial environments
D. Panepinto, M. Ravina, M. Zanetti
pollutant dispersion, Environmental compatibility, NaTech, air pollution
A5 (2) Open issues in Circular Economy and Health perspectives
Eco-labelling dietary patterns under a life cycle assessment approach and health perspective
A. Arias, E. Entrena-Barbero, S. González-García, G. Feijoo, M.T. Moreira
food sustainability, eco-label, nutritional footprint, health balance, life cycle assessment
A5 (3) Open issues in Circular Economy and Health perspectives
A preliminary study on real-time asbestos recognition in tunnel spoil of green stones
S. Malinconico, F. Paglietti, S. Bellagamba, S. Serranti, G. Bonifazi, D. Gattabria, I. Lonigro, R. Gasbarrone
A5 (4) Open issues in Circular Economy and Health perspectives
Wastes from international shipping: ecotoxicological assessment of scrubber water in unicellular algae (Tetraselmis suecica) and blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) larvae
L.M. Zapata-Restrepo, I.D. Williams, M.D. Hudson, G. Freeman, B. Lee, C. Prieul
New perspective on the composition of photovoltaic solar panels and the possibility of pre-treatment for recycling
A. Šperlich, M. Šyc, H. Muñiz Sierra
silica solar photovoltaic panels, recycling, structure and composition, technology design
B5 (3) WEEE and PV waste
Value chain integration for e-waste management: a system dynamics approach
E. Soares de Carvalho Freitas, L. Contador, L.H. Xavier
urban mining, electrical and electronic waste, closed loop, systems dynamics
B5 (4) WEEE and PV waste
Investigating good practices in the circular economy related to Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) through the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP)
M. Paciolla, M. La Monica, F. Ceruti, F. Ferrero, G. Seravalli, T. Beltrani
EEE, WEEE, circular economy platforms, good practices, urban mining
B6 (1) Critical and strategic raw materials
How does urban mining contribute mitigating critical raw material supply risks? Evidence from the waste management industry
A. Piepoli, R. Pellegrino, P. Pontrandolfo
circular economy, critical raw materials, multiple case study, supply risks, urban mining, waste management industry
B6 (2) Critical and strategic raw materials
Critical Raw Materials recovery from Electrical Electronic Equipment Waste. An overview
A. Bonoli, A. Fiorucci
CRMs, Urban Mining, WEEE, recycling, e-waste
B6 (3) Critical and strategic raw materials
Assessing the business potential, price volatility and supply chain challenges of metallic silicon in the European Union
S. Rosado, L. Camporro, L. Gullón, S. Oñate, L.F. Mazadiego, J. Llamas, Y. Moratilla, S. Lumbreras
Critical Raw Materials, Silicon metal, Price volatility
B6 (4) Critical and strategic raw materials
Multiregional perspectives of the global dysprosium demand and supply with technological transition
Treatment of food waste contaminated by starch-based bioplastic films using Black Soldier Fly larvae: formation and fate of biodegradable micro-plastics
V. Grossule, G. Oliveri Conti, P. Rapisarda, E. Pulvirenti, M. Ferrante, M.C. Lavagnolo
Food waste, bioplastics, Black Soldier Fly, larvae, micro-plastics
B9 (4) Bioplastics
Reprocessing and mechanical recyclability for circular economy. Comparative study of TPS/PVA blends and other commercial biopolymers
N. Martínez-Pérez, I. Rodríguez-Pastor, J.C. García Quesada, I. Martín-Gullón
C1 (2) Italian Session: Comunicazione & educazione ambientale
“Fiuto il cane da rifiuto”: una proposta educativa dedicata all’Economia Circolare
F. Pistono
musica d’ambiente, music, education, circular economy, sustainability
C1 (3) Italian Session: Comunicazione & educazione ambientale
La sostenibilità ambientale presso l’Università di Padova
F. Da Porto, S. Gross, M.C. Lavagnolo
sostenibilità ambientale, Università di Padova, economia circolare, caso studio
C2 (1) Workshop: Thermal treatment in Circular Economy
Case report: waste treatment and energy recovery for alternative fuel purpose in Germany
É. Guerreiro, H. Baier, K. Münnich, A. Felipe Simões
waste-to-energy, alternative fuel, waste treatment, solid recovered fuel, energy recovery
C2 (2) Workshop: Thermal treatment in Circular Economy
Preliminary results from laboratory tests assessing hydrogen production utilizing slag and surplus heat in steel facilities
G. Campo, G. Zanetti, M. Zanetti
industrial waste, steelmaking slug, hydrogen production, laboratory test
C2 (3) Workshop: Thermal treatment in Circular Economy
The role of pyrometallurgy and the importance of pilot test facilities for development of sustainable recycling technologies – Swerim pilot experiences
C3 (1) Italian Session: Buone pratiche di circolarità in Italia
Scale-up delle buone pratiche di circolarità per l’ambiente costruito. Il contributo delle piattaforme collaborative
P. Altamura, S. Baiani, F. Ceruti, L. Cutaia
circularity, construction sector, building materials, collaborative platforms, stakeholder engagement
C3 (2) Italian Session: Buone pratiche di circolarità in Italia
Environmental Technology Verification (ETV): uno strumento per confermare le prestazioni ambientali delle tecnologie innovative a supporto dell’economia circolare
E. De Marco, E. Mancuso, R. Preka, S. Sbaffoni
verifica di terza parte, prestazioni ambientali, innovazione, tecnologie ambientali, economia circolare, simbiosi industriale.
C3 (3) Italian Session: Buone pratiche di circolarità in Italia
Economia circolare: l’Università di Pavia – Case study
D. Boggiani, D. Barbieri
dematerializzazione, economia circolare, gestione delle risorse, ricerca interdisciplinare, sostenibilità, università di Pavia, urban mining
C4 (1) Italian Session: Ricerca e Innovazione dell'Economia Circolare in Italia
Il progetto MICS-PNRR per il supporto dell’Economia Circolare italiana
D. Caputo, M.C. Lavagnolo
MICS-PNRR, Made in Italy, circular practices, sustainability, circularity
C4 (2) Italian Session: Ricerca e Innovazione dell'Economia Circolare in Italia
Valutazione ambientale di un processo di valorizzazione del materiale composito con fibre di vetro delle turbine eoliche
V. Fantin, E, De Marco, L. Cutaia, C. Chiavetta
Analisi del Ciclo di Vita, GFRP (Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer), riciclaggio, turbina eolica
C4 (4) Italian Session: Ricerca e Innovazione dell'Economia Circolare in Italia
Intelligenza Artificiale e Structural Health Monitoring applicate alla protezione delle opere civili: proposte e sviluppi futuri per le infrastrutture strategiche del servizio idrico integrato gestite da Acquedotto Pugliese S.p.A.
G. Veneto
structural health monitoring, reti neurali, internet of things, structural health assessment, intelligent damage detection, Acquedotto Pugliese S.p.A.
C5 (1) Workshop: Circular Economy & Biodiversity
Managing the business and biodiversity relationship: a systematic review
S. Tessitore, F. Testa, N.M. Todaro, D. Tosi, V. di Iorio
Li-ion battery recycling at pilot scale: demonstrating the re-synthesis route also for NMC-LFP mixed black mass
F. Pagnanelli, P. Altimari, P.G. Schiavi, L. D’Annibale, A. Mancini, M. Colasanti, E. Moscardini, L. Toro, L. Baldassari, L. Toro
li-ion batteries, recycling, pilot plant, re-synthesis, NMC precursors, LFP
C8 (4) Batteries
Assessing the energy storage potential of Graphene Oxide synthesized from hydrometallurgically recovered Graphite from End-of-Life Electric Vehicle Lithium-Ion batteries (EoL EV LIBs)
D7 (3) Workshop: Internet of Things application in biorefineries
Current state of the algae production industry in Europe: an emerging sector of the blue bioeconomy
C. Ciniglia, C. Auciello
algae, blue bioeconomy, extremophiles
D7 (4) Workshop: Internet of Things application in biorefineries
Use of Galdieria sulphuraria (Cyanidiophyceae, Rhodophyta) for wastewater phytodepuration
G. Scione, C. Ciniglia, S. Papa
extremophilic microalgae, Galdieria sulphuraria, wastewater, and phytoremediation
D7 (5) Workshop: Internet of Things application in biorefineries
Exploring sustainable cultivation of Galdieria phlegrea using urban wastewater: integration of IoT-enabled photobioreactor for biomass production and silicon-recovery applications
I. Galante, M. R. di Cicco, A. Spagnuolo, A. Masiello, D. Galetti, A. Marotta, G. Costanzo, C. Germinario, C. Ciniglia, C. Lubritto
Exploring decentralized composting models: a case study of municipal waste management in Spain
C. Álvarez-Alonso, M.A. Bustamante, N. Manrique, S. Sánchez Méndez, E. Martínez-Sabater, E. Agulló, I. Irigoien, M. López, R. Moral, I. Nogués, M.D. Pérez-Murcia
Impacts of circularity-oriented policies and measures on financial performance of agrifood organizations
D. Sica, B. Esposito, V. L'Abate, N. Raimo, S. Supino
circularity, circular economy performance, financial performance, natural resource-based view, agri-food sector, sustainable business model
PP (15) Poster Session
Understanding employee acceptance of digital technology towards a Sustainable Industry: a theoretical framework
M. Dieste, A. Galeazzo, L. Macchion
Digital transformation, Industry 4.0, Acceptance, sustainable industry
PP (2) Poster Session
Management of municipal organic waste in a circular economy context: evaluation of the process and quality of compost produced in rural areas of the Valencian Community (Spain)
C. Álvarez-Alonso, M.A. Bustamante, N. Manrique, S. Sánchez Méndez, E. Martínez-Sabater, E. Agulló, I. Irigoien, M. López, R. Moral, I. Nogués, M.D. Pérez-Murcia
community composting, selectively collected organic fraction of the municipal solid waste, agronomic value, compost quality, pathogens
PP (3) Poster Session
Evaluating the suitability of secondary raw materials in cement composites for enhanced durability against sulfate attack