IWWG - International Waste Working Group is a non-profit association that aims to provide a forum to encourage economic and ecological waste management world-wide and to promote scientific advancement in the field
Anthropogenic debris in the Arctic: Pollution in a region far, far away …
M.B. Tekman
A00 (2) Opening session
Austria – Country information and contribution to modern strategies in waste management
J. Fellner
A00 (3) Opening session
Waste management and circular impact on health and environment
R. Cossu
A00 (4) Opening session
The necessity for an ecological waste management
R. Stegmann
A00 (5) Opening session
Main controversial / Hot issues in Sardinia 2023 that will be discussed in the focus sessions
J. Kumpiene
A00 (6) Opening session
Waste & emerging contaminants
P. He
A00 (7) Opening session
LarWaR Project: Use of black soldier fly larvae for innovative wastewater treatment and resource recovery
V. Grossule
A01 (1) Strategies & policies in waste management
Intermunicipal cooperation in waste management provision – Factors causing inefficiencies
M. Struk, J. Soukopovà, A. Chroustovà
municipal waste management, efficiency, intermunicipal cooperation
A01 (1) Strategies & policies in waste management
Intermunicipal cooperation in waste management provision – Factors causing inefficiencies
M. Struk, J. Soukopovà, A. Chroustovà
municipal waste management, efficiency, intermunicipal cooperation
A01 (2) Strategies & policies in waste management
Challenges in delivering essential waste infrastructure in NSW, Australia
D. Gamble, S. Mason-Jones
energy from waste, sustainable waste solutions, community acceptance, social licence, landfill, social impact assessment, environmental approvals, resource recovery