IWWG - International Waste Working Group is a non-profit association that aims to provide a forum to encourage economic and ecological waste management world-wide and to promote scientific advancement in the field
Yan S., Tyag R. D., Surampalli R. Y., Ramakrishnan A., Zhang T. C.
emerging contaminants
Keynote Speakers
Organic Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Agricultural and Urban Groundwaters. Catalonia and Barcelona (Spain) case studies
Barceló D., Petrovic M., Postigo C., Lopez-Serna R., Koeckschulmeyer M., Mastroianni N., Lopez De Alda M., Diaz-Cruz M.S., Garcia-Galan M.J., Ginebreda A., Jurado A., Vazquez-Sune E., Carrera J.